Chapter 28: Family reunion

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                            , I don't know how you will react to this chapter but... ummm... here you go XD

This one is... interesting... yeah, one way to say it.

Ben's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. Everything around me was peaceful and all I could hear were some cars passing by and slow breathing next to me. I looked to my side and saw that Erica was sleeping on my shoulder and she had her arm around my torso. The more I laid there, the more I started to notice and realize what was happening around me. Apparently, I fell asleep next to Erica... again.

She was sound asleep and it seemed like the dream, that was bothering her before, didn't come back again. Now it almost looked like she was smiling in her sleep. Is that real? Or am I imagining things?

I laid my head back against the pillow, slowly closing my eyes not wanting to move and rush anything. Finally, I felt at ease and thoughts about what is in store for us almost seemed to disappear... almost. As much as I would love to just not think about anything, I couldn't. Deep down there is always going to be that one part of me, that won't allow me to enjoy my life. There is always going to be something.

I would have loved to just lay here and do nothing, but life seemed to have other plans. Everything happened so fast. All that I could notice was that one second I was peacefully laying in bed, the other, I was landing on the ground with a big thump.

"Ouch!" I couldn't say anything else. Seeing that I don't have any luck in my life, I missed the blankets that were on the floor by just a few inches, so the landing was even more unpleasant then it could have been. Plus, my back still hurt from yesterday the fall just added to the pain.

I laid on the floor looking at the ceiling trying to understand what exactly happened, when suddenly, Erica appeared in my field of vision. She was looking down at me over the side of the bed. I could see that she was a little bit embarrassed about what just happened but she still tried to keep a serious face expression.

"You tell anyone about what just happened and you're dead." She said in a menacing tone that was meant to scare me. It probably would have too, if it wasn't for the fact that I found the whole situation hilarious.

"So this is how you are going to thank me for helping you with your nightmares, by pushing me off the bed," I told her while trying my best not to laugh.

I guess she noticed my struggle and understood that her plan to scare me didn't quite work. Moments passed and in the end, Erica gave up on trying to be menacing and now was just holding her head in disappointment at herself, and slowly started to quietly laugh with me.

"Erica, why did you just do that to me?" I asked once both of us calmed down a bit.

She looked at me and the smile from her face vanished. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it."

I waited for her to continue, but she didn't. I had nothing left to do but just ask her again. "But... why did you do it? You didn't answer my question."

"I... I may or may not have been... startled by finding you next to me." She quickly blurted out her answer, quietly under her breath. I almost missed it. "Look, I am already embarrassed about it so just drop it."

"Oh no. I think it is quite sweet that you are not used to having anyone sleeping next to you." Not a moment later, after I finished that sentence, Erica threw a pillow at my face and somehow the force of the throw was so powerful, it knocked my head right back down to the floor. I should have seen it coming and I definitely need to remember that next time I will probably not be as lucky. Who knows what will be in her reach next time.

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