Chapter 26: Erica's home

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*me hiding behind a closed window from an angry mob that are holding pitchforks and torches, demanding me to finally upload a new chapter after two months of completely disappearing*

Yeah... Hi. Do you even remember me?

Here I will go with the excuses of why I haven't uploaded... get ready. So, I have had a lot more busier summer then I first thought I would have. I went to England last month. (That was fun) Last week I went to a music festival (That was amaizing btw) and I am also working at a hotel over the summer now. (That is tiring. It's cool that I will be able to get some money, but come on, waking up at 6:00 AM in the middle of the summer to go and take care of customers is not how I want to spend my time.) All of that, plus more, has just made me not want to sit next to a computer and write a new chapter, even though I love to do it. But now I guess I am somewhat back... all though don't hold me on that. I never know what I will do. :|

All I am trying to say is, I am very sorry that I left you guys to wait for so long and... OMG thank you for getting this stupid story to 10k!!!! What! Just, What?!?! I'm still in shock.

I guess to celebrate this milestone here is the next long-awaited chapter :)

Ben's POV

The rest of the ride was quiet and we didn't talk at all. I was slowly trying to process what happened a few minutes ago, but once my adrenaline wore off, I found that I wasn't able to think at all. I felt numb and I was in shock.

I looked at Erica next to me and noticed that she herself was deep in thought. She was angry and anyone could see that at this point. Her brow was furrowed, she was clenching her jaw and her grip on the steering wheel was so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

In my mind, I wanted to comfort her but realistically I didn't know what to say. I was a mess myself.

"Here are the keys. Meet me inside. I will quickly park the car in the garage so no one notices that it's here. It would be a dead giveaway that we are alive if someone notices your car by my house." Erica spoke to me right as she drove through the front gate.

"Right..." I looked at her hand and took the keys that she was holding up. Slowly I opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. My back and nose hurt. The pain was still there, though I was trying my hardest not to show it.

The place where Erica lived looked like a typical family house with two stories, a garage on the side, peaked roofs and brick walls. It wasn't particularly big but it seemed like it was enough for a family of three.

I walked up to the front door and once I unlocked it, I was greeted with a nicely decorated living room. It looked and felt homey. The couch in the middle of the room was just inviting me in and the temptation to lie down was too big.

I tried to lie down but soon I learned that it was close to impossible. I couldn't comfortably lay on my back or my stomach. Every pose hurt one or the other part of my body. The realization that I will probably not be able to relax for a few days hit me.

"And that is the reason why you should have thought about the consequences before you stepped in front of me and acted like a hero." Erica's voice came from the other side of the room. I looked up and saw that she was already standing inside the house with a backpack.

"Where did you get that backpack? Isn't that mine?" I just stayed there dumbfounded for a few seconds.

"Yes, it is and your welcome. While you were having the time of your life mocking Nick, I was able to grab some of your things. It's not your whole apartment, but at least you will have some of your clothes." She walked inside and placed the bag on the floor.

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