Chapter 4: Is it really you?

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The song that I added at the top is the one I was using for this chapter. You don't need to listen to it if you don't want to. :D

Erica's POV

It was so nice to just sit by the bar and listen to live music.

"So this is how other people relax." I said that to myself, under my breath. Well, of course, I have been in a bar, but that was just on missions. I always had my guard up and I never relaxed, but now that I'm here because I chose to be here, it's completely different.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the barmen running around, still giving drinks to all of the people, mostly girls, sitting there. But he wasn't Daniel, he was Daniel's co-worker. The one that had the nickname girl magnet, I guess. I was able to see just the back of his head, but I had the feeling that I know him from somewhere. I could not shake this feeling away like I need to figure out who he is before it is too late. But I can't just walk up to him and ask him his name. He can be an old enemy, whose career I ruined or someone from school who I really don't want to talk to. So I decided to just stay where I was and try to figure his identity out, by watching him out of the corner of my eye, just so I don't seem like a stalker.

I was looking at him and then he turned his head, to see the person that was calling him. That was the moment I saw his profile. And I mean... he looks so handsome! Oh NO Erica not this again! Stop thinking that every man here is good looking.

But still he looks like someone I should recognize, but I just can't put my finger on it. The thing that makes me frustrated now is that I never forget a face. Never! But how can the man standing in front of me be so recognizable but at the same time completely new?

Someone started talking in front of the microphone, stopping my train of thought.

"Hey, there everyone! Who wants to hear our favorite barman sing a song today?" You could hear that the man on the stage had some drinks in him, so he was a bit loopy, but from what I can tell, everyone here knew him.

"Us!!!!" the people in the room yelled.

And then I heard, the barman that I was looking at all this time, say that he doesn't want to sing.

"Oh come on Max, I don't want to sing today."

"BUt everyone here wants you to! Plus I want to take a little break." The guy on the stage whose name apparently was Max replied like he knew, he already won.


"Come on don't keep the people waiting." Max said.

"Just one song." The barman replied.

And to my astonishment, everyone around me cheered. So apparently he is really popular here. Not only he is good looking, but he can also sing.

He hopped over the bar and headed to the stage. He had an average walk. Nothing that stood out to me. All tho it did look like he has been working out. The barman uniform that he was wearing really helped to show that. He wore a white button down shirt with a black vest on top. Around his neck, he had a tie on and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. Well to say he looked hot would be an understatement. Yeah here, I said it. Erica Hale, the girl who had the nickname Ice Queen at school, the girl who everyone thinks doesn't have any feelings, is now stupidly attracted to a man, she hasn't even talked to.

He stepped on stage and for the first time today I saw his full face. And I swear my mouth just popped open. And this is just stupid because I still haven't recognized him.

"Hey everyone! So what do you want me to sing today?" He looked a bit annoyed, but soon he was smiling again.

"Somewhere Only We Know by Keane." some girl from the room yelled and a lot of people followed agreeing to the song choice.

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