Chapter 24: It's complicated

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Well, I made you all wait didn't I! It has been more than a month since I have updated this story and I'm sorry about that. :/

-As some of you know I have had to do deal with a few things so I couldn't write. The main thing was school, but the good news is that today was the last day and I successfully finished the school year!!! *inserting a video of me wearing a party hat and blowing a party horn*

-Anyway, this is a looong chapter (3116 words) and it mostly is here to fill in the gap, so the next one makes more sense. Oh, and by the way, I have more of an idea of how I want this story to continue and I can tell you all that it may or may not consist of about 20 more chapters. :}

-And I maybe got a bit carried away on writing the end of this chapter. It wasn't my previous plan to write it like this, but... I just had to in the end. All in all, like with every chapter I guess, I don't know how I feel about it. Sorry if some of the parts feel a bit confusing.

-BIG thank you to all of you, for the support I have been receiving since I started this story. It has been nice to read all of your comments and I'm happy to see that all of you are enjoying this crap I have been writing. XD All of the votes are deeply appreciated!

Ben's POV

Catherine left soon, after the reunion. She couldn't give us any new details about SPYDER, saying that with the amount of information she and Cyrus are finding it looks like the evil organization doesn't even exist. They still are coming up with dead ends.

Once Catherine left I asked Erica: "Are you sure you still want to lie low? At this rate, it could take days or even months, before you could reveal to the CIA that you are alive."

"It's our best option. If I reveal myself now, SPYDER will come after not just me but also you again. Now, we have the element of surprise." She turned to look at me.

I have been thinking about all of this and trying to wrap my head around the situation we are in, but it's quite a mess to understand. All though, one thought did come to my mind. "Maybe that's exactly what we want. Then their focus would be on us, not on gaining money by causing chaos for the people around. We could think of something so they would play our game, not the other way around... And Erica, I think they are coming after me anyway. Joshua wanted to get rid of both of us, remember."

Erica got quiet and thought all of this through. "The idea did come to my mind and it's not a bad option, but we will need to think of something clever and smart to fool them. For now, let's stick to our previous plan." She slowly started walking in the direction of the bedroom. "But I think now we should go get some rest. It's already well past midnight. Let's continue this conversation tomorrow." Erica stopped and turned back to look at me again. "...and Ben..."


"Thank you for asking those stupid questions to my mother... without them, I don't think I would have stepped my foot out of the room. It was nice to see her again."


"Hey! Erica! ... Hello! ... Do you hear me?" Erica had completely zoned out and from what I could tell, has absolutely no idea of what I was saying for the last minute or so. "Are you alright? ... Snap out of it!"

I came up to her and only when I placed my hand on her shoulder she noticed me. "Are you okay? I have been calling you for a while now."

"Yes! I'm fine. No need to worry." She quickly replied and tried to cover up her uneased expression.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure. Do you have any new ideas of what we should do about SPYDER? I have a few, but none of them are solid." She rambled and continued looking in the distance at nothing particular. I could see that she has something on her mind and that something or someone is bothering her.

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