Chapter 9: The apartment

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Erica's POV

We were walking in silence for the rest of the way to Ben's apartment. Well, I think he lives in an apartment. The only houses close by were apartment houses, so I just made the assumption.

I was really curious to see where he lives now, so I was getting a bit impatient. On the way, after a little while, I could feel a few raindrops falling on my head. Of course, it had to start raining. No, scratch that, it had to start pouring down. The nice night sky, that we had before, was nowhere to be seen. The sky changed in a minute, and the nice walk that we had, now turned into a full on run. But soon enough, we were at our destination. From the outside, it looked like a really nice house. Six-story building, with a detailed facade and big windows. Just by looking at the outside I could tell that the apartments here are definitely expensive. How could he afford it? Does the salary for a barman, really can be enough, to afford this place? I know he is not telling me what happened before, but I have a feeling that this is somehow connected. But how?

"I live at the top floor. Sadly, the lift is not working, so we will have to take the stairs." Ben broke the silence when we walked thru the front door.

"We do have to burn down the calories from the burgers, so this is no problem." I will probably have to work out more tomorrow than I normally do, so this will only help.

"Oh, so the run wasn't enough?" Ben just gave me a small smile and started to walk up the stairs. It seemed like he didn't really want an answer, so I just followed him. The silence between us was giving me a weird feeling. I am normally fine with silence. Actually, I really like silence, but now, for some reason, I can't stand it.

When we finally got to the top floor, I could see Ben taking out his apartment keys and opening his apartment door.

The apartment was really nice. Everything was nicely decorated. You could see that a man decorated everything, so it was a bit masculine, but it had a certain charm to it. Walking in you could see the living room, that was actually in the same room as the kitchen. It had a studio apartment vibe to it, but further you could see doors that supposedly lead to a bathroom and Ben's bedroom. So the apartment wasn't quite a studio apartment.

"I guess you would like some dry clothes. Sadly the only clothes that I can offer you are some of mine." I completely forgot that we were just outside, in the pouring rain. I guess I didn't even notice that I was head to toe soaking wet, because when Ben started talking about me changing into something dry, I had to take a second to understand what is happening.

Wait... I will have to wear his clothes? Oh common Erica, that isn't that big of a deal. It's just for the time while your clothes are drying. Ben is just offering you to change into something dry, so you don't have to sit in your wet clothes. It doesn't mean anything...

"Yeah, that would be nice." I tried to give him a small smile, to hide my mind racing.

"Okay. I will be right back. You can take off your shoes and if you'd like, wait for me in the living room." With that, he disappeared in one of the rooms. From what I could tell, it probably was his bedroom.

I took off my shoes and walked into the living room. Looking around, I could see that it was quite spacious. There was an L shaped sofa with a coffee table next to it. In front of it, there was a feature brick wall with a TV on it. Behind the sofa, was the kitchen. It had a kitchen island in the middle and then against the wall, there was everything that a kitchen would need. The whole room was carefully decorated and the attention to detail was remarkable. It felt homey and modern at the same time. I didn't know that Ben liked to interior design.

"Sorry I took so long. Here is a t-shirt and some sweatpants. I hope this is alright." Ben came into the room and startled me a bit, but of course, I didn't show it. I was so deep in my thoughts that I became unaware of my surroundings. That never happens, so why now? "You can go and change in the bathroom. It's down the hall and to the right."

I turned around and immediately regretted doing that. What I saw, was Ben standing in front of me in a T-shirt and some shorts. Why did he have to wear that t-shirt? It fits him so perfectly and shows off his muscles. He is taller than me now and because of it, he looked so lean. I'm finding it super hard to resist him... No, Erica! Think of something else! Think of something else!

"Yeah, this will be fine, thanks." I took the clothes and walked to the bathroom as fast as I could.

Walking in, I could not believe, that even the bathroom was decorated. I did not know that Ben took this much attention to detail.

I quickly took off my wet clothes and changed into the ones that Ben gave me. They were a bit baggy, but surprisingly, they were not too big on me and most importantly, they were really comfortable. I looked in the mirror and saw myself. Suddenly everything that had happened today started to dawn on me. The start of the day was weird. It lead from me waking up from a dream that was more of a memory, to me receiving the file for my next mission, to then me meeting Ben and now me standing in his bathroom, in his clothes.

The worst part that has happened today, was that I was starting to fall for Ben. Again. For the second time.

Ben's POV

It's hard to believe that Erica Hale is now in my apartment. Am I dreaming? Is this even real? What should I do? As much as I know that after this day I should not see her again, I can't leave her, for the second time in my life. I don't know what to do.

"I put my clothes out to dry on the towel drying racks in your bathroom. Is that fine?" I turned around and saw Erica standing in the hallway. And the sight was... something. She was wearing the clothes that I gave her. They were a bit baggy, but they looked so sexy on her... Oh NO NO NO, Ben. Get those thoughts out of your head. You can't be together with her, you will just hurt her. And remember, that she probably doesn't even want to do anything with you. But why is she here then, if she doesn't want anything to do with you? Oh, just look at her, she's nothing but beautiful. Even when she is wearing something that I gave her... and her hair is still wet from the rain...

"Oh, God." I said under my breath, still looking at her. I didn't notice that I said that out loud, so Erica must have heard something.

"What, did you say?"

"OhnothingIwasjustthinkingaboutwhatwinewouldyouliketodrink" I smiled that her, showing my teeth. I know I just blurred everything out at once, but I can't help it. She makes me act like a total idiot. I can't be my cool and charming alter ego around her and definitely not when she is standing in front of me, in my clothes.

"Ben, calm down. What did you just say? I could not understand a word." She gave me the same look that she gave me when I smiled at her in front of the diner. Like she is creeped out by me.

"Oh... yeah... Sorry! What I said was, will you want some wine?" Breathe Ben, breathe.

"Well, that was what you promised me, so yes." She gave me one last look and walked to the couch to take a seat.

I grabbed the wine bottle and two wine glasses. Walking to the couch I couldn't not think of Erica. You know, with her sitting there and all that.

I need to occupy myself somehow because if I won't, I will probably do something stupid.

I actually don't know how I feel about this chapter... When I reread it today there is something about it that I don't like, but I can't quite understand what it is. Maybe I changed the characters too much from the original ones... I don't know. But still, if I change anything I will have to change the upcoming chapters too, so I decided to post it to at least show how Ben's apartment looks like, in my mind.

Till tomorrow! Bye! :)

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