Chapter 32: Friends

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Alright... Hello everyone XD

First of all, thank you for all of the votes, views, follows, and your patience. I am still baffled by the support, but that sentence is getting repetitive so I will move on...

Second, I Just wanted to inform you that I have planned out the rest of the story and can officially tell you that there are only 3 more chapters left. (Not counting this one) So basically "Spy School: We Meet Again" will have 35 chapters in total!!!

It is coming to an end, you guys!!! I honestly can't believe it!

P.s.Sorry for the wait, this chapter was a pain in the *** to write.

Erica's POV

When we finally sat down and started eating, grandpa told us that, while we were gone, he was able to get a lead on Joshua. Apparently one of the security cameras near the Hollywood walk of fame was able to capture him walking hastily into one of the coffee shops nearby. Finally, we know where to look next, so now we just have to wait for everyone to get here.

Cyrus stood up after we finished eating and started gathering some of his stuff. "I will go and see if I can find out anything about that coffee shop. Stay here and wait for Schaster and O'Shea to get here. If you need anything from me, just call. Oh and Ben."


"For God's sake, man up. I am already tired of your moping." Grandpa said, hastily leaving.

My mom started laughing at what Cyrus said and also stood up once the door closed. "Alright, I think that is my cue to leave too." She quickly kissed my forehead and left, saying that she should better go and try to find out something new too since this reunion isn't exactly meant for her.

The room was quiet once Ben and I were the only ones left, but soon Ben spoke up. "Am I really that bad at hiding how nervous I am?"

"Yes, you are absolutely terrible," I said while gathering all of the empty containers that can be thrown out. "Chip and Jawa will be here in an hour, so just try to calm down at least a little bit. We don't want to scare them away now do we?"

I went outside to throw out the trash but came back soon after. The rest of the hour passed quite quickly even though Ben and I didn't really talk much. I was by the computer continuing the surveillance grandad was doing before he left and Ben was mostly giving himself a pep talk by the looks of it. He sat in the lounge chair that was located in the far corner of the room and just asked me random questions every 5 minutes or so.

"Should I keep anything in mind once I meet Chip and Jawa?"

"How should I act around them?"

"Do you think I should write down what I need to say to them? You know to not forget anything."

"Maybe I should just..."

"Alright Ben, just breathe." I cut him off once he had the seventh question in mind. Even I was getting frustrated and nervous from the constant questioning. "Everything will be fine."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't, but I have faith in our friends to not do anything rash."

My words finally made Ben go quiet for a bit. He just looked at the wall in front of him and tapped his foot out of nervousness. It was still a bit annoying, but it was better than the constant flow of questions.

The tapping didn't last long though because soon we heard a knock on the door. I stood up thinking that that must be Chip and Jawa, but before I went to open the door I looked at Ben and waited for him to give me some kind of sign that he was ready. He nodded at me, so I went to open the door and let them in.

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