Chapter 34: Hideout

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Erica's POV

Since Cyrus was the only one who didn't come with us but stayed in the hotel, saying that someone should better be ready to contact the CIA just in case, six of us met up near the Hollywood sign.

"How did you even find this place?" Jawa asked once we started our walk to the hideout Zoe mentioned to us.

"Well, it is kind of a long story because after I met up with Catherine we really have been all over Hollywood. We followed leads that didn't help us at all, but in the end, we just got lucky. Long story short, Catherine found a guy who knew a guy, who has seen a few guys that have been going to the golf course here in Hollywood, but despite not having any equipment with them, or any connections to previous members, they have had members passes. The strange thing though was that none of them have been there for more than 15 minutes." Zoe was explaining while she was leading us up the cliffside to the Hollywood sigh. "Since we didn't have any better leads we decided to break in the golf club at night and see if we could find something. Good thing we did, because we found out that that golf club has been a secret place for Blaze operatives to swap information."

"Why that place though?" Jawa asked.

"I'm guessing it's because only a select number of people can get in there, so there is less of a chance for anyone to find out their secret messages if they are not looking for them there," I said walking behind Zoe.

Ever since we left the hotel I have felt uneasy and maybe even a bit jumpy. I apologized to Ben and we talked everything out, but it just doesn't feel right. I am tired and scared about what is about to happen.

"That was my guess too," Zoe confirmed. "But basically we found a lot of letters, that made us have to read a ridiculous amount of pointless conversations, but in the end, we found a letter that was addressed from Joshua. It said that he has received his package and that everyone needs to come to the Hollywood sign to receive their equipment."

"So we came here to check if there was anything that would help us and there was. We found a hideout." Cathrine continued to explain what happened. "We didn't look thought anything there but decided to call all of you because by the looks of things we actually stumbled upon something here."

In a short while, we arrived at a small hut next to the big white letters overlooking the city below. The hut was hidden from view and looked like a place where supplies were being stored to be able to do any maintenance work on the Hollywood sign. 

Zoe was the first one who entered the pitch dark hideout and turned on the light for everyone else. When the light came on I could see that the hideout wasn't anything spectacular. It looked like a little maintenance room that hasn't been used for some time now, but at the corner, I noticed a table with different documents and letters on it that looked out of place. I walked up to it and started quickly looking through the papers trying to find anything useful.

"Hey look at this," Ben said while he was opening one of the boxes located next to the table I was standing by. "There is an FBI uniform here. This is probably the equipment he was talking about in the letter."

"And I found passes to one of the movie studios nearby." Zoe chipped in. Mike walked up to her and took one of them to inspect it. "Why would Joshua need that?"

"It is a bit strange," Jawa said while taking out the second FBI uniform Ben found. "Erica, have you found anything interesting?"

"Well, this for sure is Joshua's hideout," I say while I am still looking through the documents.

"How do you know?" Chip asked.

"Well for one every document and letter is either addressed or signed by Joshua and second there is a nameplate with a note that says To Joshua. The best boss out there."

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