Chapter 16: This is what happened

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Erica's POV

I found my way into SPYDER'S base and started looking around. My aim is to find some new information about their next plans. Documents, files, anything useful really.

Walking around I carefully avoided anyone coming in my direction. I could knock them out, but that is more of a risk, of raising alarms, so I was just super careful.

This actually was nothing hard. Even a second-year student could avoid these SPYDER agents. They were absolutely oblivious.

The hard part is to find the main control room. That surely is the place where I could find some information, but I have been here for a while and I still haven't found anything. Maybe Ben was right and I should have gotten more information before I came here? NO! He doesn't know anything. He is just a coward that runs away when something unexpected happens.

I turned a corner and found, that in front of me, was a person standing and looking at me with a wicked smile on his face. I have known him for a long time and every time, that I see him now, makes me angry. It was Joshua. I can't believe that I liked him once, because the person that he is now, is just a total jerk.

"You know Erica, I have been looking at you true the cameras for a few minutes now and am surprised that you couldn't find what you were looking for." He looked behind me and I could sense that I was cornered. "I am disappointed, I really am. Over the years, you went from being the best spy the CIA had, to an emotional mess."

At that moment two agents grabbed me from behind. I tried to fight back, but couldn't, because four more joined in and soon enough, I was on the ground.

"Erica, there is no need to fight back. If I were you, I would save your energy for later. We have something planned for you." Joshua turned around and started walking down the hallway, while the agents that got me captured, hit me in the head with something hard.

Everything went black.


I slowly came to my senses. My head hurt and it felt like, I have a trail of blood running down the side of my face. I was tied to a chair... again.

Am I really as bad, as Joshua said I was? Am I really an emotional mess?

Looking around, I could see that I wasn't alone in the room. In front of me, I could see Joshua and he was talking to someone that I haven't seen before. Both of them were looking at the computer screens in front of them, but soon enough they turned around and looked at me.

"About time you woke up. So Erica, tell me, how have you been?" Joshua put a chair in front of me and sat down. "By the way, if you were wondering, we took your earpiece and already talked to your mother and Ben. Don't worry, they won't come here to rescue you. Let's say that we had an agreement." He gave me a wicked smile. "If they try to come here and rescue you, I will shoot you in the head. That simple!"

I didn't say anything to him. Having a conversation with me is what he wants, but I won't give him any information I know.

"I see you are still as quiet as before but don't worry, I think I have a way to make you talk." What does he want? "You know Erica, I want to know, how much did Ben tell you about what happened? I haven't seen him in a long time. The last time I had the pleasure of seeing him, was 6 years ago and now, I'm just interested if he told you anything about our agreement."

What is he talking about? What agreement? I am confused and I guess that showed in my facial expression, because Joshua, just started to laugh hysterically.

"NO WAY! After all this time he still hasn't told you. Ha, that's funny! Because we have already broken our part of the agreement. You know what? I want to see your reaction when you find out what happened!" He turned around and pressed a button on the table. It turned on a speaker so all of us, in the room, could hear what's happening at the other end. I could hear my mother and Ben having a heated argument with the other agents on the mission.

"We modified the earpiece so everyone can hear what's happening." He looked at me and gave me one of his smiles. "Ben, good to talk to you again. We put you on speaker so Erica can hear you too."

Ben went quiet, but soon enough he started to yell at Joshua. "JOSHUA YOU PEACE OF S**T! If you will do anything to her I will kill you!"

Joshua just laughed at Ben's outburst. "Woow big guy, calm down. She is fine. For now. I just wanted to see Erica's reaction when she finds out about our agreement that we had a few years back and thought that I should add you to this conversation. Let me just say, I was surprised that you still haven't told her."

Ben went quiet again, but soon enough with a sadness in his voice answered. "She didn't want to know, so I haven't told her."

"Well, I will tell her now, so get ready for story time." Joshua looked me in the eyes and started. "Erica I won't tell you the full story, because I have other, more important things to do to, but I will tell you the main part. In the last mission that you had with Ben, before you supposedly, successfully, destroyed our plans, we both had an agreement. I promised that SPYDER won't kill you and his friends, but Ben had to disappear. He couldn't be a spy anymore and he couldn't say anything to you about it. Simple really, but the amazing part was, that by having Ben gone, it also hurt you. It was genius really!"

I listened to Joshua and could not believe what I was hearing. Thinking about it, it all made sense. If all of this is the truth, then, in the end, Ben was just trying to protect all of us on the mission and I couldn't get that through my thick skull. Between me and Ben, I was the one acting like a little kid, not him. But Joshua hasn't really told me much and it doesn't look like he will.

"HA! I broke Erica! Ben if you could see her face right now!" It looks like Joshua is having a lot of fun. He got up and suddenly completely changed. He became serious and looked at the other agent in the room. "So Erica, this is the part where I tell you what's going to happen next."

I guess I have to tell you, that later you will find out more about what happened a few years back. This is just the start and I will try to explain it in more detail later down the road. :P

Oh, and sorry again for the cliffhanger...

Thank you all for the support! See you tomorrow! :)

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