Chapter 21: Getting closer

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Erica's POV

Everything hurt. I had chills running through me every few minutes, I was sweating like crazy, my head hurt like hell and I'm not even gonna mention the cut on my side and the sore muscles from yesterday. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. That's surprising, considering that I'm a spy and my job literally consists of putting my life in danger, in order to protect other people's lives.

I was still lying in bed and it's strange. I'm used to waking up early in the morning. And I mean really early in the morning, but Ben hasn't allowed me to get out of bed, saying that I need rest. I understand where he is coming from, but it's hard for me to do nothing.

He gave me a few instructions to follow, like drink a lot of water and try to sleep as much as I can, and it is nice that someone cares for me, but I'm not used to it.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you, but I made you some chicken soup. Do you want some?" Ben slowly entered the room, with a tray table in his hands.

"Oh, so I'm getting breakfast in bed?" The soup did smell really nice, filling the whole room with its rich aroma.

"Well more like lunch in bed, but yes." He came to the side of the bed and placed the table over me, once I sat up.

"Ben, thank you, but you really don't need to take care of me, like this."

"Look, you were the one who didn't want to go to the hospital, because of that, you have to live with my rules. One of them being, you have to let me, take care of you." Wasn't I supposed to be the stubborn one? "It's actually quite hard for me to understand, why you have a hard time accepting my help. If I would be in your place, I would be grateful that someone wants to help me."

"Ben, it's not like I am not grateful for your help, it's just that, in my opinion, you have already done more than enough, considering how I have acted toward you, the whole time I have known you." I'm actually surprised that he didn't leave me in the tunnel to die, but this is Ben, he always has cared for everyone.

"Oh, don't start acting like you haven't been nice to me at all. Now eat, before it gets cold." He exited the room and now I was sitting alone.

The soup was delicious. He really is a great cook. I thought I knew almost everything about him, but now I can see, that there are probably so many things that I still don't know. For example, I didn't know that he could cook and I didn't know that he could sing or play the piano. Did he know how to do these things before, or did he learn them after he left? I actually want to learn more about him, but after everything that has happened, I don't think he will want me to stay for long.

I sat in silence, pondering what has happened and what I want in life. I thought I had everything figured out, but now the thing that was the most important for me doesn't seem so important anymore.

"Finished?" Ben entered the room again.

"Yes, thank you!" Let me guess, he is going to ask me next if I want some more water.

"Do you want me to bring you some more water?" What did I just say?! He is so predictable.

"Well, you will bring me more anyway, even if I say that I don't need any. So is there any point for me to answer your question?"

"No, not really. " Ben took the tray table but still stayed in the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess," I answered. "bored out of my mind, but otherwise I'll live."

"Are you tired?" He still stayed in the same spot.

"I wouldn't say that I am able to run a marathon, but if you want me to sleep, that's not going to happen. I'm not that tired." Ben chuckled and turned around with the tray table in hand.

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