Chapter 6: How have you been?

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Ben's POV

"Okay, I just talked to my boss and he said that I can go. Want to go get something quick to eat and then just walk around?" I came back in the room where Erica was waiting for me. Why did things have to get so complicated? I know our lives were never easy, but still, they were better than they are now.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Where do you want to go?" I could see that she was trying to keep herself together, by putting on her signature mask, but somehow it wasn't permanent. After a little while, I could see some emotion coming thru her, but then being hidden away again.

"Well, I know this great place down the street where they sell some delicious, healthy hamburgers. It is my cheat day today, so I would love to get one, but if you don't want to, we can go somewhere else and get something healthier." I started blabbering and I had to stop myself before I show my shy and unsure self to Erica. Since I saw her today, I have been changing back to my old self. But I can't. After today we will probably not be able to meet again. I will have to run away again if I don't, who knows what will happen.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I can give a burger a pass this time. It's been a while since I have had one." Erica snapped me out of my train of thought and I could not hold back my question.

"When was the last time you ate something else besides salad and vegetables?"

"Umm... let's see." She started thinking about it and after 3 seconds she answered: "I think it was 5 years ago."

"What!? Erica, why are you still so hard on yourself? You can't be like this all the time. This is not good for you."

"Okay, first I do what I want and second, you clearly don't care enough for me to just be able to start telling me what is good and what is bad for me." She answered, to my surprised outburst with anger in her voice. I had to be careful. I think one more wrong sentence coming out of my mouth, will cause me a lot of pain. Knowing Erica she will probably not just walk away, but will painfully try to get the information she wants from me. And I know she is more than capable to do so.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't my place to say that. I'm... I'm just happy to see you." I hope I said the right thing. I mean the, I miss you, part is out of place if she thinks that I left her because I chose to and not because I had no other choice.

"We should get going. Lead the way." I mean it could be worse so I will count it as a success.

"Yeah right, follow me. Let's go thru the bar."

Erica's POV

How could he just act like nothing has happened between us? He is just acting like he never left and he can just suddenly go back to how we were before.

I do miss how he always cared about me, but now, while I don't know the real reason why he left, I can't just stand there and smile at his attempt of being protective. He hurt me. And now it hurts even more that he isn't telling me the reason for his disappearance.

But I will be honest, that I am relieved, that he is fine and well. That he didn't turn bad. All tho... I still can't confirm that. He can just be acting that he is sorry and is actually trying to lure me into a trap. Maybe he is with SPYDER and they somehow know that the CIA has some information about them.

I don't want to believe that Ben... the Ben that I knew before, has turned bad. I refuse to believe it!

"Hi, Ben!" I heard someone say, as we entered the bar again. The owner of that voice was a girl that looked about 21 years old. She had blond, shoulder length hair and she looked quite pretty. But you could just feel that behind her innocent exterior, she is hiding her real intentions. For me, it sounded like she wants to just grab Ben and pull him in a room where no one will disturb them. Oh and that made my blood boil! Am I jealous? It definitely feels like it, but I don't want to admit it.

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