Chapter 13: What is happening?

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Ben's POV

"Catherine?! Why are you calling me?" I was surprised, that Erica's mother has decided to call me.

"Well, Benjamin where are your manners?"

"I'm sorry, a lot has happened these past days. I'm not in the best mood right now." I told her.

"Oh yes, Erica told me about what happened." I was actually surprised that she did.

"She did? Well then, I don't know why you are calling me."

"I'm calling because Erica is in trouble." Now I could hear some panic behind her voice. And that is saying a lot because her mother is one of the best spies I know.

"What?! What happened to her?" I was worried.

"SPYDER captured her. She found their base and tried to get some more information, but something went wrong and now, Erica is in big trouble.

I was worried, but I still could not understand a few things.

"What can I do about it? I'm not even a spy anymore."

"You are the only one that knows SPYDER as well as Erica, if not even better. You know how they think."

"I can't. I can't be a spy anymore Catherine. You have to find someone else. I will just make it worse then it is now." I was stressed, but I had to keep it together. "I'm sorry."

"Ben look, I don't know what happened, why you left, but you have to understand that you are the only one that can save Erica now. She was wearing an earpiece when she got captured and before SPYDER agents realized it, I was able to hear that their plan was successful. There plan was to capture Erica and get rid of her once and for all. So please Ben, save her." I could not believe what Catherine was saying. SPYDER BROKE THEIR PROMISE! I was angry, furious even.

"Where is she?"

"I will send you her coordinates." I could tell that Catherine was a bit relieved that I agreed to come and help.

"Can I ask you one thing?" I just had to know.

"Yes, Benjamin. What is it?"

"Why are you on the same mission Erica is on?"

"When I came back from England, Erica asked for my help. That's how I ended up joining her." Ok, that's logical.

"Ok. I'm on my way."

"Thank you." With that, she ended our conversation and a minute later I received the location. It was close to the Washington national airport, just like Erica told me before.


When I arrived, I could see Catherine and a few other agents hiding behind some rubble. The neighborhood that we were in, was completely abandoned. I carefully came up to them and was glad that none of them attacked me. You can never be too sure.

"Oh good, Benjamin you are here." Catherine looked at me and her eyes went wide. "What happened to you?"

"What do you mean what happened to me?" I was confused. What was she talking about? Was there something on my face?

"Well, puberty did its part. You have grown to be quite a handsome man." Oh, that is what she is talking about.

"Yeah... that's what I have heard." I think my cheeks blushed. "Where is Erica?"

Catherine's face expression changed in a second. I could see that she is worried and that made me worry.

"She should be in that building right there. We are trying to get some more information, but for now, that is all we know." I looked at the building, that she was talking about.

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