Chapter 12: Low point

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Ben's POV

I think it has been about an hour since I last saw Erica and I haven't moved an inch. I still can't believe what just happened. She was right there, basically telling me that she is ready to forgive the fact that I left if only I was able to be there for her now, but what did I do, I told her that I won't help her.

I missed her. The few hours that we had together, just reminded me of how much she changes my life to the better.

"Curse everything that happened at that mission!" I couldn't help myself, I had to get my anger out somehow, so I yelled and for good measure threw my plate at the ground. It shattered into small pieces around my feet.

I stepped over the shattered plate and walked in the bathroom to take a shower. I had to calm down somehow, but walking in I saw the clothes that I gave Erica. They were on the ground, just laying there. So I picked them up, but then I smelled Erica's scent. I smelled lilacs and gunpowder. I didn't notice this before, but still, after all these years, her scent has stayed the same.

I could not keep myself together anymore. My eyes filled with tears and soon enough, I was sitting on my bathroom floor, crying, while holding the clothes that Erica wore just an hour ago.


"So how was your night with Erica?" Daniel asked me with a smirk on his lips. He was trying to tease me, but I really wasn't in the mood.

"I don't want to talk about it." I told him and started walking to the bar to start my shift.

"That bad huh. Did someone walk in, on both of you?" He was still trying to make a joke or something, but I had enough.

"Daniel, you know what, stay out of this. No, no one walked in on us. Nothing happened between us. Just start your shift and shut up."

"Ok, ok. Calm down. I was just having a bit of fun." I didn't want to listen to him. Daniel actually is a good friend, but today I just can't stand him.

I walked behind the bar and not a second after, all the girls were next to me. Great, just what I need right now...

"Hi, Ben!" Someone said, but I didn't pay much attention. I just started serving some drinks and tried to not to think about Erica.

"Hey Ben," Another girl said and I just gave her a small nod. Then to my left, I saw someone that I didn't want to see, Rose.

"Well hello, handsome. What do you say, after your shift, you, me, my house?" Oh, I really wasn't in the mood for this. I never liked her, but this time I can't stand her.

"No Rose. You should know by now, that there will never be something between us. Just leave me alone."

"Aren't you in a bad mood today?! Is it because of that girl you were with yesterday? I knew she was nothing but trouble." I had enough. I can take her flirting, but when she insults Erica that's it.

"You know nothing Rose! Erica is nothing like you say she is. Just stay away from me and stop thinking that there will be something between us."


My whole week went by without any changes. I was still angry at myself and I took my anger out on the people around me. Every time I had a shift at the bar, every girl just annoyed the sh*t out of me. I was feeling depressed.

The window in my apartment was always closed with a curtain, because I could not look at the Washington Monument, without thinking about the Ice Queen. My life was messed up before, but now it was just a disaster.

I was sitting on my couch, with a beer in my hand, doing absolutely nothing. I was just thinking about my life and where it has come to. I'm at such a low point now, it's ridiculous.

I have been sitting like this for a while when my phone started to ring. Why was someone calling me? I really wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone, so I just let it ring, but when it stopped the same number called again.

I picked up the phone and answered: "What do you want?"

"Benjamin, that isn't a nice way to answer a phone call."

"Who is this?"

"Oh, I'm offended, Benjamin. You don't recognize me? It's Catherine."

Sorry for the cliffhanger and short chapter... :/ but tomorrow the chapter will be longer than normal. So you have something to wait for I guess. :D

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