Chapter 8: Walk around the city

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Bens POV

We didn't really have a destination in mind. We just walked in silence. Enjoying each others company. Well, at least I enjoyed Erica's company. It has been a really long time since I have just walked around the city. It was a nice night too. But then Erica asked a question that made me a bit uncomfortable. I don't blame her, but still, I didn't want to answer it.

"Ben, where were you these past 6 years?" She just looked straight ahead.

"I... ummm..." I didn't know what to say.

"Ben you have to give me something. I just don't understand what happened and I need to know something about you."

"I... know you do. It's just, I can't talk about what happened.'' I got a bit scared because she didn't say anything back to me. "For the first 3 years, I was in Sydney. I finished high school and then I returned here. At the start, I lived with my parents, but a few months later, I got my own place. Then 2 years ago, I got hired at the music bar where you met me today."

"Why were you in Sydney?" I hoped Erica would not ask me this, but of course, she did.

"All I can tell you is that I had to go somewhere far away from America. But what does that change? I was a screw-up and I still am. Believe me, as much as it maybe seems like what I did was absolutely unnecessary, it was for the best."

But I got no answer back. Just silence. She was still looking straight ahead.

"Erica, I'm sorry that it turned out like this, I'm"

"So you're telling me that for the past 3 years you were here. In Washington."

"...Yes." Why does she keep asking the questions I don't want to answer. "Believe me I never wanted to leave, but it was for the best."

"But you still did." Now she looked at me. Straight in my eyes. All I could see was the pain behind them. It looked like she was about to cry and that broke me inside into million pieces.

I could not look at her anymore. I was ashamed and angry at myself, that I allowed this to happen. So all I could do was just look down, with my eyes closed. Maybe this is a dream or just my imagination. Perhaps when I will open my eyes, she will not be here. I could be going mad.

I looked up and Erica, the girl that I have liked since I first met her, was still there. So I am not going mad, that's good to know. But looking at her, I noticed that she was looking past my shoulder, her eyes were focusing on something in the distance. I just had to know what it was, so I turned around, only to see the Washington monument. I didn't realize we went in this direction to start with, so seeing it here took me by surprise. But if Erica was looking at it, it meant that she is probably thinking about our first mission together.

"Has Alexander made up any more interesting stories?"

I saw that I got her attention and was relieved, that soon her serious expression changed into a small smile.

"I'm happy to report that my father hasn't caused any more chaos for the CIA, America and for me"

"I guess that is good to hear, all tho it is sad that you don't have any new stories to tell." I tried to give her the most charming smile I had.

I can't hide the fact anymore that I have feelings for Erica and looking at the situation, I am in now, I can't lose more than I have already lost.

"Do you remember that night, up there?" Again, she surprised me.

"Of course I remember. How could I forget? That was the first time you opened up to me. As much as you probably think that you don't mean anything to me, after everything that I have done, it can't be further from the truth. Erica, I'm truly sorry for what I did, but you have to understand, that I never left because I wanted to hurt my friends, or you."

There was a silence between both of us. My eyes found hers again and to be fair, I could just stand here, looking at them all night.

"I believe you, Ben. Even tho you hurt me when you left, I understand that you had your reasons. As much as I want to know and understand those reasons, I just have to live with the fact that you are not ready to explain them."

Erica's POV

Why did I just forgive him for leaving? Am I really going mad? But I just can't be mad at him. If this person, that is in front of me, is the same one I knew a few years ago, then he actually has to have a real reason why he left. The Ben I knew, actually cared about the people that were close to him.

Oh and the smile that he gave me after I told him that I believe what he said. Uhhh what is he doing to me?

"What time is it?" I asked Ben after I realized that it's probably super late.

"00:34" He answered without hesitation. Yup, the person in front of me is definitely Ben. Only he can tell me the time without looking at his phone or a clock close by. I can't believe how I have missed him! But then it hit me.

"Oh no. The last bus to my house leaves in 3 minutes. I have to..."

"Wait!" He stopped me from turning around. "I live just a few blocks that way. Would you maybe want to... " I could tell he was getting nervous "come to my place. You would not need to run to catch your bus and we could talk some more over a glass of, oh I don't know, the best wine I have?" I could not believe it. Did he just invite me to stay the night at his house?

"Since when does Benjamin Ripley have the courage to ask a girl to stay the night at his house?" I mean I did like the idea. We will definitely not do anything MORE than just drink, but I do want to see where he lives and maybe, get some more information about what he has done these past 6 years. So I just decided to tease him some more. I just loved his facial expression when I and Tom had the conversation about him.

"Oh, you don't know a lot about me." I can't believe it, he actually gave me a toothy grin, like he is trying to challenge me into a match of who is going to embarrass who first. "So what do you say? My place?" He continued to look at me and right after he finished his question, he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I just had to hit him in the arm after the eyebrows.

"That's for the terrible flirting. And this.." I hit him again. "is for making me miss my last bus."

"I forgot how much your punches hurt. You know I will get a bruise right?" Ben looked at me while still rubbing his arm.

"Oh man up, Buttercup!" He just smiled at me.

"I see you have already decided on my new nickname." Ben still was looking at me, but he did start walking, so I followed suit.

"What do you mean new nickname?"

"Well, this isn't the first time you have called me buttercup. Apparently, when you first met me, that was one of the first names you thought of." I can't believe he remembers. I mean now I remember, but I did actually completely forget about it.

"How did you remember?" I was so surprised.

"Erica, I remember everything."

So here is another chapter!

Fun fact (That isn't really that interesting...)- For some reason, the moment when Erica called Ben buttercup, was actually one of my favorite moments in the first book, so I thought I should add it in some way, to this story. :)

Any way... I hope you liked this chapter! See you tomorrow with another one. :P

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