Chapter 31: Hollywood

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Ok, sorry for any mistakes in advance. I am slowly trying to get used to writing again. Good news, I am starting to slowly enjoy it again and I finally have an idea of how I want to continue this story. Sadly knowing me, I can't promise you an exact date when I will post the next chapter.

Hope you don't find this one terrible XD

Ben's POV

"Turn this corner and we should be there," Erica said to me once we neared our destination. I stopped at the first free parking spot available and almost jumped out of the car wanting to finally stand up and stretch after that long drive. We grabbed our bags and went into the hotel to meet up with Cyrus and Catherine.

"Which rooms do we have?" I asked Erica after we entered the elevator. The fact that we didn't go to the reception made me understand that Catherine and Cyrus probably already checked in.

"We have four separate rooms on the third floor. One for each of us. Now we have to go to the 305th room, to meet up with them and see what is our next plan of action." Erica answered, for once giving me a proper explanation of what is happening, unlike her answers a few years back, when the most you could get from her was a sentence, that said to just be patient and wait.

Once we arrived at our floor, we stepped out of the elevator and turned to the right going down the hallway until we arrived at the proper room number. Erica knocked and after a few seconds, Catherine opened the door greeting us with a smile. "Good to see you both again." She gave Erica a quick hug, before turning around and sitting back down next to her laptop. Cyrus didn't even look up from the computer screen in front of him.

"Anything new?" Erica asked as she placed down her bag. I did the same soon after, following her example, but staying quiet, still not feeling too comfortable with speaking while Cyrus was in the room.

"Well, sadly we have nothing to tell you about Joshua, but I can inform you that I did contact your friends. Agent Schacter and agent O'Shea will be here in a few hours since they just finished their previous missions and dear Zoe and Michael will be here tomorrow. They said something about being in Europe and they have to capture a well-known mob leader. As soon as that is done, they said that they will, of course, come and help." Catherine looked at me. "Are you ready to see them again, Benjamin?"

I couldn't help but just take in a deep breath. I didn't know what to say. As much as I wanted to, nothing came out. I was scared because I don't know how they will react. My biggest fear is that they won't even look twice at me and will just leave. I'm scared that they will change their minds and will not want to stay and help. I mean, who would want to work with a coward. I wouldn't.

Erica's POV

"I want to be alone for a bit. I will go outside," Ben said after a long pause, not answering my mother's question. He quickly turned around and exited the room.

"Of course he runs. That is all he knows how to do." Cyrus spoke up for the first time since we arrived.

"Oh don't be so harsh on the boy. It's not easy for him to be back at the mess that is espionage. I don't envy his situation." Catherine said back to Cyrus, maybe even glaring at him a bit.

"I wouldn't be in that situation if I was him," Cyrus mumbled under his breath, but I heard it. I guess my mother did too since I could see her rolling her eyes.

After a brief pause, Catherine spoke up again. This time with the purpose to tell me off. "And darling what are you still doing here. Go after him. Ask him what is on his mind. If you want something to happen between the both of you, you can't just sit still and wait. You have to fight for what you want."

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