Chapter 15

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Author's POV

"Park Jimin, I want him." The man said with a evil grin. "I don't think he will be easy sir, he looks all soft and fragile but he's not and h-he is kind of dating Jeon Jungkook-" "-Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, JEON JUNGKOOK! Why is he always in my way?!" He growled as he started crumpling the picture of Jimin in his hands.

"I'm gonna kill that Jeon Jungkook!"

"Calm down sir, we have to catch the fish first and to catch it we need a trap."

Author's POV

A few days later

"The autopsy reports have come?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded, his eyes was fixed on the papers he was reading.

"What's wrong Jimin?" Taehyung asked, "Choi Jia was pregnant when she was murdered."

Jk:- "What? She was pregnant? But she never told us."

Nj:- "Maybe she didn't knew, she was only a few weeks along. Any information about the father of the baby?"

Jcksn:- "We don't know about the father, but who would possibly kill her?"

Jm:- "He who kidnapped her, remember what Jia said, the person who kidnapped her, killed his father and brother but there are no proofs."

Jimin said as he closed the file reports and kept it on the desk.

Th:- "He can be the father of the baby, He kidnapped her, how do we know that He hadn't used her body?"

Jm:- "There is no surity that Choi Jia was pregnant with His baby, it could be someone else's, maybe her lover about whom she didn't tell us about."

"We have so many unanswered questions, but the main question is, who is 'He' ?" Jungkook said, he sounded so annoyed, "this question is bothering me for days now."

Th:- "Are there no ways to reach him?"

Jm:- "I don't think so, He already knows we are after Him-"

Jk:- "-there is one."

Jungkook's word caught everyone's attention.

"Arrest Jeon Doyun." As he said this a wierd silence spread out in the place, "you're gonna arrest your own father?" Jimin asked.

Jk:- "yep, what other choice do I have? He knows way more than we think, I know how he is, once it will come to his reputation, he'll spill out everything and look at these proofs, after Jia's statement, each and every proof points towards Dad, though we know who actually did all these but we still can't do anything because we have nothing, absolutely nothing against him."

Nj:- "but Jungkook your Dad is a top class business man, we can't just arrest him so suddenly plus he have the power to buy the whole authority."

Jk:- "he can buy the authority but not me, I just want to know, what he is hiding and why the hell is he hiding it? I don't know what information Appa has or will it even lead us to Him, but I know it can help us in some way. We need to get to Him."

Jungkook made a really good point there, his Dad will never say what he is hiding in simple methods, so they have to be harsh to him now, if they don't get to Him, they would never know who He is targeting next.

The next person can be Jungkook himself, who knows?

But Jimin on the other was scared, for the first time in his whole career, he was scared for Jungkook, if something happens to the latter he would die, the words which Jia said that day in the hospital that He might kill Jungkook was haunting Jimin now.

What if He really does something to Jungkook? What if?

At the Jeon mansion

The police barged into the mansion, "What's happening?! What's all this?!" Mr. Jeon asked Jungkook, "you are under arrest Mr. Jeon Doyun, for the murder, of business man Choi Youngjae." Jungkook said putting the hand cuffs on his father's hands, he really felt bad, it was hard for him to arrest his dad knowing that he was innocent but what choice did he had, "what?! I didn't kill him!"

Mrs. Jeon came out of her room when she heard the fuss outside and when she saw Jungkook putting hand cuffs on his Dad's hand, she was really shocked, "Jungkook?!" She came towards her.

"What are you doing?!" She asked him, he didn't answer her, instead, "take him." He ordered the other officers. "Jungkook!" She shouted, "This is my duty Mrs. Jeon, your husband is a murderer and I, am just doing my job." It took him a lot of guts to be this rude to his parents.

To be continued.......


What do you think, will happen next? 🤔💜

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