Corey Taylor

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If you want some other person, I'm all ears. Just tell me :)

How you met
You were at a restaurant with your friend and she was like 'Holy crap Y/N isn't that your crush from slipknot?' and you just facepalmed and Corey smiled at you and then he took a picture of you and left his number in your contacts. It was cute
First date
He took you skating, he didn't know that you were 10 times better than he was, he kinda sucked but you thought it was fun
You both yell and scream and ignore each other for a couple of days until one of you, Corey half the time apologizes
Waking up
He's a heavy sleeper so no matter what sound you make, he never wakes up. He wakes up whenever he does
He'll give this death glare and wrap an arm around you, and if they don't get the hint, he tells he guy to piss off
Dislikes/ Annoyances
Corey hates it when you have someone over without him knowing
Show you watch together
Bates Motel
When he comes home from tour
He goes up to you and hugs you then carries you to bed
Bad days
You take him out and try to cheer him up

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