🌵Matt shultz imagine🌵

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Wow okay guys I'm so sorry. School started back up blah blah blah so someone (finally) requested something so here I am after like 2 weeks :) also 4K reads 😱 thanks. also also does anyone like the band wallows Oof I love them. Alright enough since you all came here for the imagine

Requested by cleopup44 thanks btw 😅

1 year ago

"I'm sorry Matt, I just can't do it" you said, not looking at him directly

"You can't do what Y/N?"

"Us Matt! We've been fighting way too much and it's just not working out" you shouted

"Oh...." Matt looked at his shoes with a hurt expression

"Look I'm sorry I just don't think-" you started to say but Matt cut you off

"Look I have to go" Matt said, pretending to look at his phone "my brother needs me for... something" and he walked off leaving you really hurt

Alright fast forward to present

"Alright guys I think we're done" you said

"You sure? I mean we're going on tour. I think we should practice one more time" one of your bandmates said

"Yeah we should. Just to be sure. Also does anyone know who we're touring with?" Another bandmate asked

"Good question" your tour manager said, walking into the room "you're going on tour with cage the elephant"

Everyone else cheered but your heart sunk

"Uh Y/N you okay?" Your tour manager asked you

"Yeah. Uh we can practice this song later. I have to go" you zipped past everyone, leaving everyone wondering what's your problem

Alright fast forwarding to like the tour thingy

You guys were the opening band (cuz nobody likes the opening band thanks Dallon) so you guys were setting up when you kept noticing that Matt kept looking at you. Every Time you would glance a little in his direction, he'd look away. You decided to not think much of it

"You're on in 5 minutes" your tour manger said

"Alright guys this is it!" Your bandmate said

You guys walked into the stage and started playing your set

after the set

"You guys did good" Matt's brother Brad said grinning at you guys

"Thanks" you mumbled and looked at your shoes and kept walking

Matt sighed and decided to go after you

After a while Matt finally found you on a bench

"Hey... Y/N"

"Matt what are you doing here? You go on in like 20 minutes" you sighed

"I just need to talk to you" he said sitting next to you and you shifted away from him a little

"Look-" you began to say

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cut you off last year. I was just upset"

"I didn't mean to shout at you. It just wasn't working out"

Matt looked at his shoes again "I know, I understand"

There was an awkward amount of silence until you spoke up

"Matt you should-" he cut you off

By kissing you

You didn't pull away, you missed him after so long

You loved him

And he loved you

He pulled away for a moment and he started blushing

"Look I'm sorry for that Y/N. I just miss you. You probably don't want me anymore but I miss you okay?" He stood up

"Matt that's not what I said. I-I still want you" you stood up and faced him, for once looking him in the eyes "I'm still in love with you Matt"

He grabbed both of your hands "can we try again? I promise I won't screw up on purpose" he grinned a little

"Yes Matt" you giggled and he gave you a kiss on the cheek

"Cmon before everyone starts looking for us" you said and Matt nodded and you guys walked with his arm around you

UwU that was kinda cute. If you guys have any more requests then don't hesitate to ask. I might not go on wattpad for a long time like this sorry in advance but I will write it and make sure it's somewhat good
Sushi 🌵

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