🌵alex turner imagine🌵

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Imagine Alex taking care of you when you're sick

Okay so I find it weird how people write when Alex turner talks and it confuses me so I'm gonna try my best to write how he talks 😂😔

You slept in late, which was weird Alex always wakes you up.

You walked into the living room where Alex was already making breakfast

"Morning love"

"Morn- ACHOO!"

"Bless you"

"Thanks" you sniffled

"You sound sick love, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" you groaned as you flopped on the couch

"No you're not" Alex stopped what he was doing and sat next to you

You groaned a response "you don't want to get sick"

"It's fine" Alex wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead

"I love you"

"I love you too" he kissed your forehead

It was kinda quiet, except for your sneezes so Alex turned on the TV

"Can you get me some water please?"

"Sure love" Alex got you some water

"Thanks" you said and cuddled into him

Time skip, damn this story is kinda bad it's alright though

A couple days went by and you felt better

Alex didn't

You were already out of bed, making breakfast

"..good morning love" Alex sniffled and walked out of the bedroom

You rolled your eyes

Of course he was sick

Yeahhh that was kinda bad I'm awful at writing stores where someone is sick

Sushi 🤔

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