🌵mark foster imagine🌵

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Imagine taking mark foster shopping

Warning- uh mark's a little anxious but tbh he's just being relatable

"Y/N you know I don't like shopping.. There's people everywhere!" Mark protested and frowned

"Cmon mark, if I'm not there what are you gonna do? Starve?" You retorted

"No promises"

"Ugh come on, I already made a list" you said, putting your shoes on

"Can I at least stay in the car?" Mark asked

You ignored him and walked out of the door, Mark behind you

"Please can we just be quick?" Mark pleaded

"Yes Mark" you sighed

You both walked into the store and Mark sighed and grabbed the list and you grabbed the cart

He started walking towards one of the aisles and grabbed the things you needed

"Am I doing okay?" Mark whispered

"Yea.... Why are you whispering?"

"People are so nosy these days" Mark whispered again

You sighed and grabbed the list again, walking towards another aisle

"Can I please wait in the car?" Mark asked again

"I need you for the high to reach places! Now please get that"

Agonizing minutes later....

Mark likes going into the self checkout, it's quick

Serval minutes later.....

"That wasn't so hard was it Mark?" You asked, holding his hand as you both walked out of the store

"I guess... I'm glad I have you in my life.. I love you" he mumbled

"Love you too"

Lmao this was kinda trash... Oh well
Sushi 😓

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