Movie night!

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Hello friends! I'm open for requests and stuff. Alright enjoy

Ryan Seaman
He gets super engaged in it, and you on the other hand will more in likely fall asleep
Dallon weekes
If he doesn't pick it, he falls asleep
Brendon urie
You both have a contest to see who's gonna fall asleep the quickest, you both rarely pay attention to the movie
Matty Healy
He makes a lot of side comments, it's very funny
Jesse Rutherford
He's not allowed to make popcorn anymore, he almost set your apartment on fire
Alex turner
Mostly you guys go out and see movies and either one of you fall asleep
Andy biersack
Most of the time it's batman, he's gets very into it and sometimes you will too but mostly you're reading a book
Lynn Gunn
She loves movies so she watches it while you're slumped back, reading or something
Ronnie radke
You barely watch any movies with him, he talks way too much
Mark foster
He likes to cuddle with you and falls asleep on you while trying to stay awake
Corey Taylor
He invites his band mates and you all get into it
Jack Barakat
He'll watch like 10 minutes of it then he says he doesn't like it and does something else, he's very picky

Thanks friends
Sushi 😘

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