🌵ronnie radke imagine🌵

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Imagine making up after getting into an argument with Ronnie radke

"Babe come on please just talk to me"

You and Ronnie had gotten into an argument.. Again. It was over something stupid.

So stupid you couldn't remember what started it

You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs into your bedroom

Ronnie followed you and opened the door as soon as you tried to shut it in his face

"Please let's just talk this out"

You rolled your eyes and sat on the edge of the bed

"Fine. Now hurry up I don't have all day"

"Neither do I" he retorted "look I'm sorry"

You sighed, you couldn't be mad at him forever

"Me too" you said and gave him a kiss on the forehead

He smiled "I love you"

"I love you too"

Thanks y'all
Sushi 😰

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