🌵corey taylor imagine🌵

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Imagine your first date with Corey Taylor

Y/s/n- your sisters name

"Oh Y/N you should wear this!"

Your sister was helping you get an outfit for your date with Corey Taylor

"Y/s/n for the last time, we're going skating. No one wears a dress when they skate"

"Fine. How about this?"

"No way. I've had that shirt since grade school"

"He's gonna be here in less than 30 minutes. Hurry up and grab something!"

"Okay fine" you just grabbed a black shirt and some blue jeans

"Hmmm yeah okay" she was 'inspecting' you, like she always does



You were about to say something when there was a knock at your door

"This is it Y/N!" Your sister ran to the door as you put your shoes on

"Hey um is Y/N here?"

"Yeah" your sister smirked as you walked downstairs

"Use protection" your sister whispered

You elbowed her in the stomach

"Let's go bye y/s/n"

"I mean it Y/N" she giggled as you both walked out

*uh time skip btw Billie ellish is really good*

"So do you actually know how to skate?" You asked, breaking the silence

Corey blushed "kind of I guess. You?"

"I've been skating since I was like, three"

"Oh.... Give me some pointers?"

"Well bend your knees for one..." You grinned and got out of the car and in the skating rink

As soon as you got your skates, you tied them and made your way to your rink

"Hey wait up Y/N" Corey called

You rolled your eyes playfully as he tried to make his way to you, he stumbled a lot

"Come on" you grabbed his hand as you both started skating

"Please don't go too fast. I don't wanna barf all over your cute outfit" Corey giggled but he actually was serious

"No promises" you joked

*another time skip, weezer is a pretty good band*

"Hey Y/N I'm gonna take a break" Corey said, poor thing he looked like he was out of breath

"Okay" you let go of his hand and continued skating

Corey did not take his eyes off of you, he was amazed on how good you were

Then there was a call for the last, all the couples (personally I hate at roller rinks when they do that, single people wanna skate too, jeez 😑)

You made your way over to Corey and grabbed his hand again as they started playing Cold Cold Man by Saint motel

Once it was over you walked out of the roller rink with Corey

"That was fun"

"Yeah even though I sucked"

"No you didn't! I've seen guys fall on their butts before"

"I fell on my face"

You giggled and nodded "at least you bent your knees"

Corey rolled his eyes and gave you a hug

"We should do this again" you said as you hugged him back

"You mean the dating thing right? Not the skating part"

You rolled your eyes

"We'll see"

Kinda trash but oh well
Sushi ☹️

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