🌵jesse rutherford imagine🌵

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Imagine Jesse spending time with your family

Y/b/n- your brothers name

"Okay guys Jesse is going to be here. Please act normal"

"As if we wouldn't" your brother brother made a face at you

"I mean it. Dad he was scared by you last time" you made a face back at him

"What I just asked about his life" your dad replied

"He seemed uncomfortable" you said

"Does it even matter at this point?" Your mother asked

"Yeah" your sister agreed

You were about to say something when the doorbell rang

You ran to the door and flung it open

"Heyy" you said and Jesse smiled and hugged you

"Got lost on the way here"

Your siblings went to the door and giggled at the both of you, which made you blush

Your niece came in and jumped up on Jesse and fell asleep on him

"She hasn't had her nap yet"

"I see" Jesse said and you all walked over to the couch

Your dad was sitting there and you shot a look at him. He smiled back at you

"So Jesse, how are things" your mother asked

"Pretty good" Jesse replied

"And how's your job as a musician?" Your dad asked

"Uh it's going good" Jesse said "we're in the process of recording"

"I loved your last one" your younger brother said quietly

"Thanks, I appreciate it" Jesse said and then it went quiet for a minute

"Hey uh Y/N help me with these dishes, Jesse you too" your mother said

"Okay" you both said and Jesse put your niece down, which made her fuss a little and then you both walked to the kitchen

"I really like your family" Jesse said, grinning at you

"Only because I told them to act right" you said

"Oh stop" Jesse said, flicking some water at you and laughed

"I love you Jesse" you said

"I love you too" you said, kissing him deeply

"Ew gross guys" your brother said, laughing


Thanks guys :)
Sushi 😩

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