🌵jack barakat imagine🌵

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Imagine moving in with Jack Barakat

Warning- lmao mention of sex

"I'm gonna miss you so much" your brother Joseph sneered

You rolled your eyes at him and ignored him

You finally had enough courage and enough money to move in with Jack

Your mother was kinda getting emotional, and your father was completely on the edge, and your other Jakob was kinda sad you were leaving

"You sure you got everything Y/N?"

"If he tries to talk to having sex with you, and you're not ready, I'll kill him"

"If something bad happens you know where to find me"

You giggled and rolled your eyes at your dad

You already texted Jack that you would meet you at your apartment, and of course your dad (who is Billie joe Armstrong btw) wanted to come

"Just to see Y/N"

"Sure" you giggled

Time past, and you soon were finished packing

You hugged your mother and hugged your brother, just to annoy him

"I'll turn your room into my second room"

"I'll kill you"

Time skip, I'm listening to a conversation with my earbuds in so they think I'm not listening 😂

You finally arrived at your apartment and Jack was already there

"Hey Y/N... Oh I didn't know your father was going to be here" Jack whispered

"Neither did I, just go with it" you kissed his cheek and grinned at him

Your father looked around the apartment

"Well I think this apartment looks very nice Jack" your father smiled approvingly

"Thanks Mr. Armstrong"

"Y/N you have my number right?"

"Yes dad" you sighed annoyingly

"Good I'll leave you two" your dad gave you a big hug

"Take care of her"

"Yes sir" Jack blushed a little

Your father left finally

"Is your father really this overprotective or is it a special occasion?" Jack asked, sitting on the couch with you

"Both" you replied and kissed him deeply

Things escalated very quickly

"I love you so much Y/N" Jack said and wrapped his arms around you

"Love you too"

Thanks y'all this book is going kinda great and I'm really happy
Sushi 😷

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