A/N :/

445 1 0

Lmao this is more of a rant but you get it ;)

Hey guys, I hope things are going well for you heh. I'm having an okay time on my trip so shoutout to anybody who lives in New Jersey and New York 🙌

Alright straight to the point, I'm taking a character out and I know it sounds dumb but I'll explain

I'm taking Ronnie radke out of my book. Lmao you guys know Jon from ARTV? one of my favorite youtubers actually. I was watching his latest video one the band stand Atlantic. I wish I had the tweet oop but anyway the gist of it was he threatened to punch him. I knew Jon hated Ronnie but I could never figure it out lmao. Look part of becoming a musician means you need to accept hate. Not everyone has to like a persons music. So if someone hates your music and you're threatening to hurt them that's  messed up on so many levels if anyone says or threatens you because they don't like a certain music, screw them

I'm adding another character anyways so you win some, you lose some

I'll still keep the other stuff of Ronnie, I'm not just doing more things of him

Because that's really childish and stupid

Alright thanks for understanding new stuff coming soon

Sushi 😫

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