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Ugh. Inspired by me :/
Ryan Seaman
Ryan legit tries to stay away from you as much as possible, so you're pretty much on you're own
When he's sick, Ryan whines pretty much and doesn't let you leave, he's always bugging you for something
Dallon weekes
Dallon lays down with you, until you feel better
Dallon looks like a total zombie when he's sick, you keep your distance
Brendon urie
You can usually handle being sick on your own, but Brendon always is by your side and refuses to go anywhere until you feel better
When he's sick, (which is probably from you) he's such a baby. He whines a hell lot and throws a fit whenever you force him to take medicine
Matty Healy
You try to stay away from Matty because he's all moody and won't let you do anything
When you're sick, Matty stays away from you, he doesn't want to get sick
Jesse Rutherford
Jesse keeps a distance, so he goes out for a couple of days
When Jesse is sick, he lays in bed and doesn't get up. Unless to go to the bathroom, of course
Alex turner
Alex cuddles with you and sings to you when you're sick
Alex forces you to leave, he doesn't want you to get sick
Andy biersack
Andy kicks you out and calls you from time to time, he just doesn't want to be around you
When Andy is sick, he wants to cuddle a lot, so you cuddle with him and watch movies
Lynn Gunn
Lynn is so helpful when you're sick, she brings you stuff while you rest
She's so grumpy and mood when she's sick, you bring her stuff time to time
Ronnie radke
He tries to make you laugh, even though he knows it hurts when you do
Mark foster
Mark gets anxious for some reason when you're sick but he's always checking up on you, he's such a doll
Mark locks himself in the bathroom and you check up on him whenever
Corey Taylor
Corey is such a sweetheart when you're sick, he makes you tea and looks on the Internet for remedies
When Corey is sick, he claims he doesn't need your help but then after arguing with him, he lets you help him
Jack Barakat
He's so annoying when you're sick, you go to your parents for a while
He tries to act like he's fine, but he's not obviously. You look up some remedies online

Thanks friends
Sushi 🤒

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