Josh Dun!

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Hi everyone. Just adding a person I love a lot enjoy 😌

How you guys meet
You guys met at Tyler's and Jenna's wedding. You were a real good friend of Jenna's and she asked you to take pictures. You bumped into josh like twice and you both hit it off
First date
He took you to chipotle, you didn't know that he intended it to be a date
Waking up
He shakes you gently but then he'll tickle you if you don't wake up
You guys don't really argue. It just your tones of voice change
He tries to be subtle, he wraps an arm around you and he'll send a smile to the person h was jealous of
Dislikes/ Annoyances
It annoys josh when you think you need to fix everything, some things don't need to be fixed
Show you guys watch together
The gifted
When he comes home from tour
He gives you a big hug and you guys watch movies until morning
Bad days
He gets really frustrated sometimes and you have to calm him down by reading to him
You're on your period
He tries to make you laugh, ignoring the fact that it hurts and there's blood gushing out of you (I'm sorry if any boys are reading this)
Josh usually shops with Tyler and somehow he gets everything you guys need without asking you
What's irritating about him
Nothing really, probably he makes too much noise sometimes
Your family
You have quite a few siblings, they all love josh. Since your father is very old fashioned he really didn't like all the colors Josh dyed his hair. He likes him nonetheless though. Your mother really enjoys being around him too
Movie night
You guys usually invite Tyler and Jenna over and you guys have lots of fun
His first thought when he saw you
'That's a nice person, I should really go say hi'
Josh usually tries to brush it off and "take it like a man" but you have to convince him to stay in bed
You can usually take care of yourself, so josh pops in on you to make sure you're okay
What you guys mostly argue about
You guys don't argue
How he gets your attention
He wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek constantly
Love songs
Tear in my heart- twenty one pilots (look ik it's about Jenna but it's a good song 11/10)
You can handle it but josh gets all giggly and stuff so you have to drag him home
Besides Jim (what a cutie UwU) you have a cat named Kevin . Your cat doesn't really like Jim as much as Jim likes Kevin.
He proposes
It was at your parents house everyone was playing, having a good time then josh proposed to you. You siblings have it recorded
You tell him
You guys were in an "argument" which basically meant there was tension between you guys. "What's wrong with me going over to Tyler's Y/N?"
"Nothing Josh jeez I just have to tell you something can't you just wait?!"
He slightly rolled his eyes "what?"
"fine josh look you're becoming a father because I'm pregnant. Now go damn it"
He was speechless for a minute then he grinned "that's great news Y/N oh my gosh I'm so sorry"
You giggled, you obviously couldn't stay mad at the love of your life "it's alright Josh I love you"
"I love you too"
Your children's name
Boy: Jonah Tyler Dun (heh see what I did there 😌)
Girl: Samantha May Dunn
One time Josh dyed Jonah's and Samantha's hair. It was great

Wow okay that was a lot 😂 I'm going to go eat
Sushi 😌

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