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Oof how rude of me not to update. Writers block a little. I'm trying to update cuz I'm going on a trip in the beginning of July oop. Enjoy this could be either one of you are drunk

Ryan Seaman
When Ryan gets drunk, he'll just start being really annoying. He'll invade your space and just make a lot of obnoxious noises. So you try to annoy him just as much when he's hungover
Dallon weekes
You and Dallon really don't drink and if y'all do its not to the point of being drunk. Just a little tipsy
Brendon urie
Most of the time, he can handle alcohol. He has a high tolerance. But when he has a lot, he just whines and screams for no reason
Matty Healy
You're pretty funny when you're drunk, Matty records it and embarrasses you the next day
Jesse Rutherford
6 shots and this guy is a singing machine. He makes you sing along with him. He's not gonna shut up until after 2am
Alex turner
His accent sounds 10 times as confusing, you just ignore him for the rest of the night
Andy biersack
You are extremely annoying, you start telling jokes and laughing weirdly at yourself. Andy hates it but his band mates seem to enjoy it
Lynn Gunn
You don't drink but Lynn does. She doesn't really have a high tolerance so she'll just annoy to the max
Ronnie radke
He's reckless and plain stupid when he's drunk so you keep your distance
Mark foster
You make these weird obnoxious noises, then he yells and gets angry, then you make him laugh
Corey Taylor
One time he took you to a bar and you got really drunk... Never again
Jack Barakat
He gets really aggressive and kinda sexual. Not saying that you don't mind it though 😌
Matt Shultz
He gets into trouble mostly. Like one time he cooked while he was drunk, dialed you at work, called your father. It's always something going on with him

Bruh there's a rat in my bathroom lmao could be my twin
Sushi 😤

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