You tell him

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I didn't include Lynn because you end up adopting a child :) also omg 2k thanks guys 😭 ALSO I didn't really feel comfortable with doing dallons because he already has two kids of his own sorry and same with Corey's.
Ryan Seaman
You paced back and forth around your room, how were you gonna tell him? You took a deep breath and walked into the room where Ryan was practicing his drums.
"Hey um Ryan?"
"Yes babe?"
"I have something to tell you"
"Okay" he stood up
"I-I'm pregnant"
He stared at you for what seemed 10 minutes "really? I'm gonna be a dad?"
"Yes look if-"
"That's great" Ryan pulled you into a hug "we're going to raise a wonderful child together"
Brendon urie
You actually forgot to tell him, you took a nap. He saw  the pregnancy test in the bathroom and screamed "Y/N?" You shot up and groaned "damn it" you mumbled and walked into the bathroom slowly
"Do you want to explain?"
"With pleasure. We're gonna become parents"
Brendon's frown quickly turned into a smile as he hugged you
Matty Healy
He stayed with you even when you ran into the bathroom to vomit then he watched you when you did the test. He was speechless at first but then hugged you and said "we're going to raise a good child together, love"
Jesse Rutherford
You decided to tell him when you guys were going to bed so he wouldn't freak out as much
"Jesse?" You said as you climbed into bed
"Yes honey?"
"I'm pregnant"
"Wait wha- I'm gonna be a father?"
"Yes" you smiled and little
"Oh my gosh this is gonna be so great. I love you"
"I love you too. Please can we just go to bed?"
Alex turner
You texted Alex that you weren't feeling too good. He quickly came over and you walked out of the bathroom with a pregnancy test in your hand
"Well Alex, turns out you're gonna be a father"
His mouth dropped open and then he pulled you into a tight hug
"I promise to be a good father"
Andy biersack
He was literally 30 minutes away when you told him you were really sick. He rushed over (such a sweetheart 😌) you took the test and burst out laughing
"Andy we're going to be parents"
He was confused on why you were laughing but he smiled at you
Mark foster
You argued with yourself on how you were gonna tell him. You couldn't keep it forever. So when Mark got in the house you decided that would be a good time
"Hey mark?"
"I have erm something to tell you"
He frowned, those were never good "well what is it?"
"I'm pregnant"
Mark started to tear up a bit "really?"
"Yes" you gave him a hug and he hugged you super tight
"I really love you"
"I love you too"
Jack Barakat
He walked in the door and saw you on the couch and sensed that something was wrong
"Hey beautiful what's wrong?"
"Nothing" you quickly said
He sat next to you and pulled you into a hug "we've been married.. How long is it? 9 months. I can sense when somethings wrong Y/N"
You sighed "fine. Jack I'm pregnant and you're the father"
Jack started to laugh "well obviously it'd be me"
You rolled your eyes "at least you're happy"
Jack pulled you close to him "I love you"
"I love you too. Just wait until we have to tell my dad" you laughed
Matt Shultz
You panicked when you found out, you didn't think you were going to be a good parent. Matt was out shopping but his brother was there. You talked about it with Brad and he said that you are going to be a good mother. Matt walked in on you guys talking
"This looks suspicious what are you guys talking about?"
"I think Y/N should explain that" Brad said and walked out of the room
"Well Y/N what happened? Is there something wrong?" Matt asked, grabbing your hand
"Well yes but no" you said, gripping his hand tight
"Matt we're going to be parents. I'm pregnant"
He started to cry, but those were tears of joy
"That's great honey. I love you so much"
You were really relieved and Brad grinned at you outside

Thanks I apologize if this is crap lmao good news I'm going to Tennessee soon so s/o to anyone who lives there
Sushi 😆

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