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Back at the time of Rachel's "death"

Captain Hook POV 

How dare that little mermaid playing her little game. Splashing water and drowning my men. I'm going to get her for this. I hate Mermaids so much. There she is. "Smitty, I want you to capture that mermaid for me" I ordered. "Yes captain" he responded but what he brought back wasn't that troublesome mermaid. "That's not the mermaid" I yelled. "But you said" he started. I interrupted "Does she have red hair?" I asked. "No Captain" he responded. "Then try again. After three tries I gave up. I decided to attack the cove where the mermaids are at. We captured those that wasn't able to get away but we didn't capture that mermaid yet that have been causing trouble. Then she went back to retrieve her music box. It was my chance to capture the mermaid. I through a rope and pulled her up to my ship. There I have her. 

"Let me go" said the mermaid. "Never, you think it's fun to drown my men so you are going to be my personal mermaid slave" I told her with an evil smile. 

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