Under the sea

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Sebastian POV

We heard something from above so Ariel decided to swim up. I followed them trying to call her name to get her attention.  When we got up I asked "Ariel what are" I started to say but I was cut off when I noticed the lights flashing. Ariel started to swim closer to the ship. "Ariel, Ariel please come back" I called. 

Ariel POV

When I got up closer to the ship I saw the humans dancing and playing music. It was fascinating to watch. I got scared when I saw this creature coming up to me. Then it licked me and went back to this human who looks handsome. Looking into his eyes and his black hair. He is dreamy. Then Scuttle came and I told him to be quite. They could hear him. "I never seen a human this close before" I told him closing his beak. "Oh he's very handsome isn't he?" "I don't know he looks kind of hairy and slobbery to me" said Scuttle. "Not that one. The one playing the slothflap" I told him. 

He then was presented by a stature that looks just like him. Then there was a storm. I went back to the water then went back up. I saw lightening hitting the ship and starting a fire. I was scared. I saw the cute human going back onto the ship to rescure the creature but got stuck and then the ship blow up. I swam to find him. When I got him I pulled him up and swam to land. 

When I heard some calling his name I went back into the water. When I got home I couldn't help but to hum to myself. I am in love. Then Sebastian start singing about under the sea. 

I wasn't listening. Too busy daydreaming. And then Flounder whispered something to me and I followed him. 

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