Meeting Tip and Dash

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Melody POV

I swam back to Morgana and gave her a hug. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much" I told her feeling happy and free. Then I notice she is crying. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Oh, I knew this world happen" she responded. "One taste, and you're hooked. Oh, Undertow, I'm such a failure, such a..." she blows her noise and then said "Oh, my precious, there wasn't enough potion for this to be a forever spell" she told me. "Please. I don't want to go back to being an ordinary girl" I responded. I love being a mermaid. "Isn't there some way I can stay a mermaid?" I begged. 

"No, I'm afraid there's absolutely no possible way" she told me. But then she said "Well, there is one way." "No. What am I thinking? It's far too dangerous" she decided. "What? What's too dangerous?" I asked curiously. "Well, I could make the spell last longer" she told me. "If I had my magic trident. Oh, but it was stolen years ago by a deranged kleptomaniac, and there's no one to get it back to me." "Maybe I can get it back for you"I told her. "You do that for me" she responded with a smile. I went up to her and holding her hands. "If I did, would you make me a mermaid forever?" I begged. "Even longer, If you like" she told me. 

She showed me a map to where he is and how to get the trident back. "Atlantica? You mean it's not a fish tale?" I asked with amazement. "It really exist?" "Of course it exists, dear. Whoever told you, otherwise?" she asked. "My mother" I responded. "Well, I'm sure she didn't mean to be cruel and deceitful" Morgana responded.  "Okay, I'll bring back your trident" I reassured her. "You can count on me" and I swim away. "Be careful deal, enjoy those fins" she yelled back. 

"Hmm, let's see" I tried to figure out the map. I was on top of a wheal and then he sneezed so I flown off and on some ice.  My map broke. "Now how am I gonna find my way to Atlantica?" I asked myself. Then I heard someone calling for help. I went closer to the cry and saw a penguin and a walrus going to the freaked out mother penguin. They try to climb down the ladder of penguins. Then they freak out by the shark and they all falling down. Mother got her baby back. But then they all falling into the water on top of the shark. 

I swam to the penguin and walrus. "Excuse me" I responded. "You don't have to be scared of me. I won't hurt you" I told them. "Scared? Who said anything about being scared?" asked the penguin. "Don't you know an evasive manoeuvre when you see one?" I giggled. "Hi, I'm Melody" I introduced myself. "This here's Tip, and I'm Dash" responded the walrus. "Excuse me, Mr. I spill my Guts to total strangers" responded Tip. "You just blew our cover." "I was just trying to be friendly" Dash responded. "Uh, guys, I really need to get going" I told them."So if you could tell me where to..." Dash cut me off and said "See? Now she's gonna leave, and it's all your fault." "My fault?" responded Tip. 

"Guys" I tried to get their attention from arguing. After calling so many times I finally got their attention. "Do either of you know how to get to Atlantica? I don't have much time" I asked. "Why do you want to go to Atlantica?" asked Dash. "I have to get something that was stoling from a friend" I explained. "If I don't, I'll turn back into..." I stopped. "What? Turned back into what?" Dash asked. "A human" I told them. They gasped. "I knew there was something unfishy about you" responded Tip. "Tough break sister, drop us a line. Let us know how it all turns out." Dash stopped him from leaving. "We'll take you" responded Dash. "You will?" I asked excited. 

"We will?" asked Tip. "She's a damsel in distress" explained Dash in a whisper. "It's our big chance." "Whew. Ohh boy. I can't believe I'm doing this. Somebody stop me" responded Tip. Then he said "Alright, then, we're in." "On to Atlantica" they responded jumping into the water. 

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