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Ariel POV

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Ariel POV

I found a ship and I was fascinated by it so I wanted to have a closer looked.  "Ariel, wait for me" said Flounder. "Flounder, hurry up" I told him. When he caught up to me he said "You know I can't swim that fast."  "There it is. Isn't it fantastic?" I asked pointing at the ship. "Yeah, sure it's great. Can we get out of here" asked Flounder. I grab him by the tail. "You're not getting cold finns now are you?" I asked as we swim closer. "Who me? No way. Just that I may be coming down with something. Yeah I got this cough. c-c" he responded. I looked at him unconvinced. "Alright I'm going inside. You can stay out here and watch for sharks" I told him and I swim inside. "Okay you go and I stay...wait? Sharks? Ariel" he freaked out decided to swim inside. He had a hard time getting in so I helped him. "Don't be such a gubby" I told him. "I'm not a gubby' he responded. 

"This is great. I really ah love this. Excitement and danger looking around every corner" he said and then screamed when he saw something and parts of the ship broke. I saw him shaking. "Aww are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure no problem" he responded. Then we swam up and I saw something that I never saw before. "Oh my gush have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entilte life" I asked holding the thing up. "Cool but ah what is it?" he asked. "I don't know but I bet scuttle will" I responded putting it in my bag. 

"What is that?" asked Flounder heard something. "Did you hear something?" he asked. "Umm I wonder what this is" I responded noticing something else. "Ariel" asked Flounder. "Flounder will you relax? Nothing bad is going to happen" I told him. Then a shark came and we had to swim out there. When we got out of them and away from that shark we swam up to see Scuttle. 

I showed him what we found. 

"It's a Dinglehopper" Scuttle told us

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"It's a Dinglehopper" Scuttle told us. "Humans use these little baby's to straighten their hair out" he told us and showed us how. Then he gave it back to me. "A Dinglehopper" I repeated amazed by it. "What's that thing?" asked Flounder. 

Scuttle picked it up

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Scuttle picked it up. "This I haven't seen in years. This is wonderful. A banesborpos slotflap" he told us. We looked at each other and said "Ohhh." "Now this dates back to prehistoric times when humans just sit around and stare at each other all day. That's very boring" he told me. "So they invented this to make fine music. Allow me." Then I remembered something. 

"Music! Oh the concert. Oh my gush my father is going to kill me" I freaked out putting these objects back in my bag. "The concert was today" Flounder asked. "I'm sorry I got to go. Thank you Scuttle" I told him and swam away. 

I went to my father. "I just don't know what I am going to do with you young lady" he told me. "Daddy I'm sorry" i told him. "I just forgot." "Because of your careless behavior" started daddy. "Careless and recklace behavior" corrected Sebastian. "The celebration was" started daddy. "The celebration was ruin that's all" yelled Sebastian. "Completely destroy. This concert was to be the binicle of my destinctious career. Now thanks to you I am a laughing stark of the entitle kingdom." Then Flounder swam in between us.  "But it wasn't her faught" he responded back. Then he tried to explained what happen with the shark. Then he mention the seagull. "The seagull" repeated daddy. "You went up to the service again did you?" he asked angry. "Nothing happen" I told him. 

"Ariel how many times are we going to go through this. You could have been seen by one of those barbarians, by one of those humans" he yelled at me. "Daddy, they are not barbarians" I told him. "They are dangerous. Do you think I want my youngest daughter taking by a fisherman's hook" he told me concern. "I'm 16 years old I'm not a child anymore" I told him. "Don't you take that torn of voice with me young lady. As long as you live under my ocean you will obey my rules" he yelled. "But if you just listen" I begged. "Not another word and I will not heard you going back to the service again is that clear" he yelled at me. I swim away with Flounder in tears. 

King Triton POV

"Was I being too hard on her?" I asked. Thinking about what happen to her mother and how I don't want that to happen to my youngest daughter. "Defiantly not. If Ariel was my daughter I'll show her whos boss. None of this going to the service and all that nonsense. No so I'll keep her under tight control" he told me. While he was talking I was thinking. "You're absolutely right Sebastian, Ariel needs constance supervision to keep her out of trouble. And you are just the crab to do it" I ordered him. 

Sebastian pov

Why me? I saw Ariel and Flounder up to something. "Ah what is that girl up to?" I asked myself following them.  I followed them to a cave. Then I saw all this stuff. "Ariel are you okay?" asked Flounder. "I just want him to understand. I don't see the world the way he does. I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad?" Ariel asked. 

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