The crab in two worlds

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Earth 2

Under the sea in Jasmine world

Sebastian POV

The messenger sea horse swam up to me to tell me that the sea king asks to see me. "He knows" I gasped to myself worrying that he might know that Ariel is in love with a human. When I got to his throne I was nervous. "Come in Sebastian" he told me. I walked over to him. I take in a deep breathe. "I musten't over react, I must remain calm" I told myself. When I got to him I responded "Yes?" "Sebastian I am concern about Ariel" he started. "Have you notice she been acting rather perculier lately?"  "Perculier?" I repeated. "All morning about daydreaming, singing to herself You haven't notice hum?" he asked. "Well I..." I started. "Sebastian" he responded wanting me to tell him. I gotten closer to him. 

"I know you have been keeping something from me" he told me. Oh no. "Keeping something?" I smiled. "About Ariel" he told me.  I can feel my legs nervous. "Ariel" I repeated. "In love?" he finished. Then I couldn't hold it anymore. I hold onto his beard and said "I tried to stop her sir but she wouldn't listen. I told her to stay away from humans. They are bad, they are trouble." He got up angry. "Humans? What about humans?" he ordered. On no, I guess he didn't know. Me and my big mouth. 

Then he forced me to bring him to her secret Groto. "Daddy" Ariel said in shock. Flounder swam to a trassour chase scared. "I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules and I expect these rules to be obayed" he yelled. "But dad" Ariel tried to cut in. "Is it true you rescued a human from drowning?" he demanded.  "Daddy I had to" she tied to explain. "Contact from the merworld to the human world is strictly forbidden. Ariel you know that, everyone know that" he yelled. "He would have died" she told him. 

"One less human to worry about" he told her. "You don't even know him" she told him. "Know him? I don't have to know him. They are all the same. Safferage,  Fish eaters, incapable of emotions" he went on. "Daddy I love him" she blurted out. Oh no this is bad. What is he going to do? "No. Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human. your a mermaid" He reminded her but I don't think it matters.  "I don't care" she told him hiding behind the stature of the human she loves. "Ariel so help me I am going to get through to you and if this is the only way so be it" he told her as he strike his Triton and destroy everything in sight. "Daddy no" Ariel begged. I couldn't believe what I am seeing. The last thing he destroyed was the stature. 

Ariel cried. When the king left I went over to her. "Ariel I" I tried to apologized. "Just go away" she told me in between her sobs. We left but then later tied to find her. We found her at the sea witch. It was scary.  "No Ariel" I tried to tell her but the sea witch's eals wrapped around me and Flounder. "Have we got a deal?" the sea witch asked Ariel. "If I become human then I won't see my father and sisters again" responded Ariel realizing. "That's right but you'll have your man" the sea witch told her. "Life is full of tough choices is it? Oh and there is one more thing we haven't discuss the subject of payment. You can't get something from nothing." "But I don't have anything" responded Ariel. "What I want from you is, your voice" the sea witch told her. "My voice?" Ariel asked. "You got it sweetie. No talking, singing, zip" she told her. "But without my voice how can I..." started Ariel. 

When she became human we were freed and helped her to the service. Ariel has legs now. Then Scuttle came and went on one of her legs. "Look at you, look at you. There is something different. Let me see" he scratched his head. "I got it. It's your hair do right? We have been using the dinglehopper? right?" Ariel shook her head. "No then let me see. New seashells?" he asked. Ariel rolled her eyes and moved her leg up and down but he wasn't getting it. 

"She got legs you idiot. She traded her voice for legs to the sea witch, gees man" I snapped at him like seriously. "Ariel has been turned into a human. She have to make the prince fall in love with her and he has got to kiss her" Flounder explained. "And she only got three days" I told him. Ariel jumped into the water. "Just look at her. On legs, on human legs! What would her father say? I will tell you what her father would say, he will kill himself a crab that is what her father would say. I am going to march in and I am going to tell him" I started to say but Arial picked me up. She shook her head. "And don't you shook your head at me you young lady." "Maybe there is still time if we can get that witch to give you back your voice you can go home and just be" I couldn't finish that sentence seeing how sad she has gotten. "Just be miserable for the rest of your life" I realized. "Alright alright I will try to help you find that prince" I told her which made her happy. She kissed me and put me down. 

We helped Ariel put something on and when we heard barking we hide. "Max" calls out a voice. Then he saw her. He talked to her and they walked away. 

Then I ended up being in the laundry getting drowned by the water. Then I ended up in the kitchen and I thought I was going to get cooked. 

Then I pinch his noise and he went after me. 

Earth 3

Under the sea in Hawii

There is a theory that Moana is the little mermaid backwards. I plan on doing a fanfict of Moana but that will be in a different universe then what I got set up with Jasmine world. 

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