Here on land and sea

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Prince Erik was a prince on land. A brother to Hans of the seven isles and the Stabbington Brothers in Corona. Ariel was a princess in the sea. She fall in love with the human world and with Prince Erik. She became human and married him. They had a daughter named Melody but because of the dangerous threat Morgana had to lie about where she came from and built a sea wall around the kingdom. Ariel had gotten pregnant again with a boy and named him Henry. A/N: I looked up the real name for Prince Charming in Cinderella and it told me it was revealed to be Henry. Because Melody is the oldest she would be the true heir of the throne. After her 12th birthday party disaster she had run away to find answers to the locket she found with he name on it. She went to see Morgana who had trick her into trying to steal King Triton's trident. She teamed up with Tip and Dash to help her get it "back." 

Ariel POV

"Have you heard anything daddy? I've been searching everywhere, but I'd...Flounder!" I was cut off when I saw an old friend. I hugged him but it wasn't him. It turns out he is one of his gubbies. "Sorry" I apologized. "Flounder?" I questioned. "Ariel!" he said excitedly. "Oh, I've missed you" I told him as we hugged. "Boy, you sure not a gubby anymore" I told him. "You can say that again" he responded. We saw his gubbies playing. He went over to them and said "Children, what did I say about playing kick the Clam on the reef?" he asked. "Sorry, Dad" they responded. "Kids" Flounder chuckles. 

Then Flounder went back over to me when I gave a sad look. "I'm sorry about Melody" he responded. "Flounder, I really need your help" I told him. "Wild sea horses couldn't stop me" he responded. We hugged again. 

Melody POV

It's so beautiful. We are now in Atlantica. I can't believe it is real. I bump into a Merman. "Sorry...My fault" we said at the same time. "Hi" h responded. "Uh" I didn't know what to say. "I don't think I've seen you around here. What's your name?" he asked me. 

"I'm Mel...Mel" I said shyly couldn't say my name. "Hey guys meet Mel-Mel" he introduced me to his friends. "Hi" responded a Mermaid. "Hey, you wanna hang out with us?" asked another Merman. I nodded but then Tip said "Alright break it up break it up. There's nothing to see here move alone." Then he whispered to me "Come on Miss popularity we have a previous engagement remember?" "Maybe I'll catch you later" the merman responded and waved when we left. 

We got to the throne of the thief. "Wow" responded Tip. "Nice crib" responded Dash. "Come on, follow me" I whispered. We hide under the table and saw the merman. "That must be him" I whispered. "He looks sad. He doesn't look like a thief." "They never do" responded Tip. "Look, there it is" I told them spotting the trident. "A fork? We are risking our tails for a fork?" asked Tip. 

When he finally left I was able to go towards the trident. But I hesitant in taking it.It didn't feel right. "Oh, sure, that's it. Take your time. Kick back. Relax. Let's all just linger here and die" said Tip. "He's coming back" warned Dash. I pick up the trident. I noticed I had drop my necklace but I couldn't pick it up. We had to leave. 

Ariel POV

"Ah, don't worry Ariel, we'll find her" Flounder tried to reassured me. Then I noticed the trident is missing. "Daddy! The trident" I pointed out. "But that's not possible. Nobody can remove the trident from the stand except you, sire" responded Sebastian. "You or one of your descendants."  "Melody" I realized when I saw her locket and pick it up. "Who I was suppose to be watching" responded Sebastian. "But how could she have gotten here?" I asked confused. "Morgana. If she gets her hands on my trident...Double the search parties! I want every creature in the ocean on patrol!" I ordered. "Yes, sire!" responded the gaulds.  

"Wait a minute" I realized something when I saw Morgana's Sting rays. "I know those two." We followed them. 

Melody POV 

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