Happy ever after

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King Triton POV

After seeing how happy Ariel is with her prince makes me realized not all humans are bad. But no matter what I will always hate pirates for what had happen to Queen Rachel. 

Narrator POV

After Ariel and Erik got married, the prince decided to put a stop of fishing and eating fish in the kingdom because he doesn't not want to risk eating one of his wife's friends. This, however had put a lot of people out of a job. This was really bad for the economy but Erik wanted to find a different way to bring the economy back to how it was to make his new wife happy. Soon after they discovered that Ariel is expecting. 9 months later she had given birth to a girl and named her Melody. 

Under the sea

Before Ursula had died, she had a secret that no one knew about. She too had a daughter. Her name was Uma and she was taking away to the isle of the lost thanks to the prince.   

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