"She's Not Me✔"

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"Hailey you are the love of my life and I wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone else"


That hurt.

I mean we just broke up. I didn't expect him to move on so quickly.

Did I want him to mourn over our break up?


Did I want him to suffer while I was living my life?


I want what's best for him. I want him to be happy.

But he told me we were forever.

That he'll never forget me.

I'm not sure if he loves Hailey. That's not my place to tell.

But, she's not me.

Not he's first love.

Not the person that went through shit for him.

Not his forever.

No matter what happens, I'm always gonna be he's first love.

The one he wrote song's about.

The one he has a tattoo on he's wrist.

I'm irreplaceable. He's irreplaceable.

Our love is a love that is everlasting.

People will remember us.

I'll probably forget him. He'll probably forget me.

But our love will remember us.

Even if we both move forward with our lives.

Love will remember us

I love him.... always

Even if we try to forget, love will remember.....

I cried while writing this. I really miss Justin and Selena.

Although they might not get back together, I'll remember their love.

They taught me how to love. It's a once in a lifetime chance to find someone so perfect.

I wanna get that chance.

They've inspired me to believe in something.

And no matter what happens, if they both find someone else. They'll always love each other.

I'm gonna miss the laughs, cries the love.

But it doesn't matter, they'll find their way back to each other. They always do.

I'm gonna cherise the 10/8 years of this beautiful relationship and friendship.

Thank you Justin and Selena, for everything....

We'll never forget you.....

In jelena we trust❤❤💖💖💖💖

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