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"ooh Justin please can we get a puppy?" I asked my lover for the 60 billionth time.

"Selena" he took my hands "It's to much work, all the cleaning and teaching. We both have jobs to do"

I pouted, arms crossed. My little stubborn self will do the trick.

"Sel" he tried to grab me but I turned my head.

He sighed stepping away from me "If I say yes will you stop ignoring me?"

"Baby stop" he grabbed my hands pulling me next to him.

I gently smiled at him as he handed me over the puppy

"What shall we name him?" He asked

"Baylor" I said

Baylor Bieber



Y'all saw Justin's comment on theatre chick.


In jelena we trust 💖💖💖💖💖💖


Word Count: 134

Jelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now