Why Is It Different?✔

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Justin lays down on he's grass. He has he's glasses on and is reading the latest news. He looks up ahead to see he's wife, Hailey and he's dog, Oscar playing around. He chuckles to himself. This is what he's always wanted. A happy marriage, a dog and Mabye two kid's on the way. But if it's all he wanted, why is it different? Why doesn't it feel right?

He looked around and saw Hailey. He's always liked Hailey. But after a while, she became to possessive over me and was rude to any person that came my way. After a while, He needed someone to be with after my brutal break up with Selena. So Justin played with her feelings, he needed love and support so he made her think he was in love with her. But he wasn't. Hailey really isn't supportive of him, for years and years, she's just shaded him and found a way to get closer to him. Hailey was smart.

November 17th 2017. He remembers that day. That was the day he reunited with he's ex girlfriend. He's first love, the person he wanted to spend the rest of he's life with. He sighed and took a sip of he's drink. What went wrong? He asked himself. The two were so happy together and even when broken up, the feelings still hadn't changed. There was not one day they woke up and didn't think about eachother. Justin knows that it's always gonna be Selena for him. He tells her fan's and everyone else he's moved on from Selena. But really he's hasn't. He's tried millions of times to move on, but he's failed constantly.

Justin knew Hailey was gonna try and make he and Selena spilt, why? Cause even while dating Selena, she called him and contacted. Hailey has won the battle. She's got the guy, so why is she still insecure? She's envied Selena all her life. Thought of her as competition. She knows that he still thinks about Selena and still loves her. But she'll build a wall around the wall so nobody can break it down. Everyone on social media, all abuse her, but they do it to all the other celebrities too. This is Hollywood, your gonna get hate and you can't expect everyone to like you. That's not how life works. Hailey is trying to force something that's not meant to be, she knows it's not meant to be, she knows all the saying about their marriage is true.

"Babe!" He wife, Hailey runs up to him as he thought.

"Yes?" He spoke to her. Even after all these years, he still can't love her the way she wants him too. "Let's go on a date!" She squealed. Justin smiled. He'll do anything to make people smile, but not Hailey. She made him go away from the love of he's life

"No!" He shouted at her and it made her jump. "W-why?" She stuttered, confused and hurt.

He he shook he's head and left. Leaving he's, supposedly wife that he loves, standing there quite heartbroken.

Again, he has everything he's ever asked for. So why doesn't it feel right? Oh, I know! Cause he's with the wrong person. Marriage isn't hard, especially if it's with the person you love. Justin realized that he's pushing all the people he's ever loved, away. He's been pushing he's dad away after he's MarriAGE to Hailey. He and Alfredo rarely speak anymore. But he's also pushing he's fan's away. He's real fans. He's been reporting people's accounts, shading other artists. Causing unnecessary drama. Saying he loves he's ex girlfriend on social media. He's been being rude and all they are trying to do is help him. The people that support him, are all jailey shipper's. Not beliebers. But most of all, he pushed Selena out of he's life. She's a big part of he's life and he wants her to keep being with him. But he didn't care about anyone's feelings, only he's. He's damaging not only Selena, but Hailey.

Selena because, she loves him. She'll never stop loving and caring about him. Even if they both try to forget about eachother. He's making her think, "does Justin still love me? Or, Does he love me?" That poor girl Hailey, will be more confused. She won't know if he actually loves her. He says all these things in social media, but he also said it about he's ex.

This weird love triangle, has been going on for years. Well a minor love triangle. Justin and Hailey relationship was a amazing friendship at the start. But after a while, he realized she was too possessive over him. She hates any girl that has stepped close to him and he had lost her trust. Hailey hated Selena. She still does, she hates the fact that she can't measure up to Justin's eyes, like selena does. Her jelaousy made her and Justin stop being friends, he told her, I love Selena, and Hailey you don't have to support the relationship, but respect it” But Hailey, she didn't listen. Thier relationship is filled with lies stalking and obbseions. It was filled with jelaousy and enviousness. The two were both betrayed, Justin was betrayed cause he thought she was he's friend, Hailey was betrayed cause she thought he loves her. Well she got what she wanted. But was it worth it?

Selena and Justin's relationship was a beautiful relationship, it still is. At the beginning they were both two teenagers in love. But as they were growing, it was let down. Justin was only 18 and people were abusing him on social media. He had never experienced it professional yet. But Selena had, and she could handle the hate. She was strong and he wasn't. The two both needed to find themselves. They were both in love and they were really young. Selena loved him, and she let him go and he came back to her. The two tried to move on from their love, Selena's hook up with Charlie Puth and Zedd. Justin's hook up with Hailey and dating Sofia Riche. Selena dating the weekend. But no matter how many times they tried to move on, they couldn't. So they came back and fell in love all over again. It was a new beginning. This love is filled with love and support and care and encouragement and kindness. A little bit of jealousy along the way, but they always respected eachothers descions. Even if it was wrong. They are eachothers inspirations and they both continue to grow separately. They never stopped loving eachother, and they never will.

When you look at Hailey's eyes, you see, love and care to Justin. But he's eyes, say otherwise. But when you look at Selena's eyes, it's love and support and you feel butterflies in your stomach. It's the same as Justin's.

Justin thought about all this, he didn't even get a chance to ask himself..

Why is it different?...........

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