Selena vs Hailey✔

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I am done

D O N E!


She needs to stop this.

What does she want from me? She already took half of my friends. Now she's married to Justin. What's next, my family? My freedom?

I have to put this to an end

So here I was, Cara gave me the address to there house. They were having a party.

Not really caring, I opened the door and l eyes were on me.

Including Justin and Hailey

"What is this bitch doing her!?" She screamed.

That's her natural habitat. Screaming.

"I'm here to talk to your little bitch" I stood on a chair.

"All you've done since I've met you is try and ruin my relationship with my family and friends. But most all, Justin. All you've done is abuse a relationship, a relationship that a has nothing to do with you. First you hang out with all my closet friends. Then you call Justin, knowing he was with me at the time and you say yes to a marriage proposal that isn't even healthy? After that you use my make up artist. Then you make your stuipd friend follow me on Instagram. It needs to stop. We could've been good friends. Really good friends. But your jealousy and wickedness got in the better of you. Justin was just lonely and you were willing to fill in the void. The emptyness. Of me, but soon Justin realised that you can't replace your first love. I'm gonna be there with him forever wether you like it or not"

I wasn't done talking but I had to let her speak

"If he loved you, he would propose to you" she smirked

I've got an answer for that

"Well, he did! There's a reason why that ring doesn't fit you. And if he loved you, he wouldn't ignore your for 2 fucking years. This marriage isn't healthy. But I'm not saying anything. Why? Cause if you know there's a problem with yourself, don't go marry someone you don't love" This was towards Justin "Don't shut down all the people who love you all because of a girl who hasn't done shit for you. Hailey, you need to leave me alone! Stop all this shit that your doing. And Justin, don't come crying to me when you've lost someone so important in your life you didn't know you needed"

And just like that I was gone

For good

He's my past. I'm focusing on my future.

Smiling, I walked to the car until Justin called my name

"Selena! Selena" he ran to me.

It started to rain

"Why didn't you tell me this?" He asked

I shook my head "Why would you care? All you've done is been selfish to me and everyone around you"

He let a tear escape he's eyes

"Please baby! I'll change, I love you"

"I love you too" I almost broke down. But I had to be strong.

"Then let me love you!" By this time everyone was outside

I didn't know what to say, so I kissed him

In the rain

We've been through shit together. I'm not ready to let him go.

I've let him go before, but now he's back and he's not going anywhere

I love him

Only know you love her if you let her go

And he let me go. But we'll be back. Forever



What the actual fuck?

I cried while writing this. It's so sad.

Just one last dance.....

In jelena we trust 💖💖💖💖💖 always

Word Count: 607

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