The Middle Of Starting Over✔

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Justin's Pov

i walked down the bar and sat down. it's been 2 months since my divorce. I felt relieved. happy, content. I remember seeing the look on everyone's face when announcing my divorce. my mom was happy, scooter was disappointed, and all my friends were confused. they all thought i was happy with her. truth is. i was happy with her. at times, she made me happy. but we couldn't make it work. she didn't make me that happy, and i wasn't in love with her.

I come too the bar every now and then too get away from the media. my life is surrounded by Hollywood, and I just need too take a break from everything.

“your usual?” the water asked, i nodded my head before putting down money. i swiftly turned my head too see a girl with brunette hair. she was short, just like her. and she has the same smile. but it couldn't be her. could it?

what would selena gomez be doing in ontario canada?

the brunette turned her head too look at me. and it was her. she smiled. i smiled back, and a glimpse of butterflies swarmed my stomach as i looked at her. she looked happy. she was more beautiful than ever.

“hey” she came up too me. “what are you doing here?” i came back too earth and replied.

“oh, just here with my family. you know too take a break from everything”

she nodded and took a sip of her drink sue ordered. “i heard about your divorce, im so sorry justin” she said. i smiled, but i was confused.

why is she being so nice too me?

after everything we've been through. she still manages too be so nice and caring. i really didn't deserve her.

“why are you being nice?” i asked “your supposed too hate me, your supposed too be mad. not be all “im so sorry justin” ” i mimicked her. she rolled her eyes and giggled.

we looked at eachother for a while. staring, for a long time. i took in her beauty. one thing i fell in love with about her, was her beauty. she was generally beautiful and i would accept her flaws no matter what. her personality, was what made her beautiful. she was loving, caring. i then realized, i didn't love her.

i still loved her.

“i miss you” we both said at the same time.

she bowed her head before shaking it. “its just complicated justin. what you did, i can never forgive you for that. you hurt me deeply and i can't just go back too you like that”  i sighed knowing she was right.

we've never been good at communication. we always argued but never resolved anything.

“i sometimes wish we could go back in time. back too 2009 too when we first met. or back too 2013 too when you first cheated. i wish we had a chance too start our relationship again. but that's impossible” she licked her lips, and soon i had a great idea.

“so let's do that” i smiled standin up. she stood up with me, and looked at me with confusion, “do what?”

i laughed at how cute she was. “your cute as shit selena” i shook my head “lets start our relationship again. let's forget about what happened. forget about me cheating, forget about me marrying hailey and let's focus on our future. let me prove too you that im in love with you, and i can be with you and make you happy and let us have a family together” i breathed.

she shook her head “how do you know i can trust you?”

i took a step closer too her and breathed. “like this” i kissed her. kissed her deeply taking everything in. she kissed back. grabbing my hair. i wrapped my arms around her waist. this kiss was different. it was filled with happiness, love, passion. the butterflies wrapped my stomach again and i pulled away putting my forehead against hers.

we stayed quiet before she said “this is your last chance” i smiled and kissed her again.

i have another chance. im not messing it up again.

“i love you baby” i said pecking her noes.

“i love you too justin. i never stopped” she smiled.


I FINALLY UPDATED PERI@ but this chapter is definitely my opinion on what's gonna happen. mabye not exactly, but yes i do still believe in them :)

hope y'all are all safe regarding the corana virus. i love u guys, wash your hands.

I'll update soon, i promise.

-a 💗

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