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He's hanging out with Hailey.


He posted a picture of him and Kendall and Hailey in Instagram.

I'm not worried about Kendall.

It's Hailey I'm worried about. She hates me. I try to be nice to her,but she's always so fake Infront of Justin.

"Hey baby" he called me on my phone

"Sup" I said not really caring

"What's wrong?"

Is he fucking serious?

"Bitch? What wrong. What's wrong is that my so called boyfriend, is hanging out with duck worth again"

"Duck worth? Selena calm down"

Bitch I'm ready to fight

"No Justin don't tell me to calm dow-" I got interrupted by ducky itself

"Juju, come help me kill this bitch"

The fact that he said I'm coming, is what hurt me the most.

"Sorry selena, we'll talk about this later bye, love you"

"Whatever" I dropped the phone.


I was walking on the streets, going to get some food.

Justin is the least of my worries.

"I'm sorry" I heard a voice say.

I turned around and saw more my boyfriend standing there looking down.

"I'm sorry" I apologized

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"She's your friend. I don't wanna take you away from her" he shook he's head.

"Baby, if you have a problem. Talk to me about it. I'm just caught up with seeing Hailey. I'm really sorry"

I smiled

"I won't see her again for the next 2 billon years, I'll so anything for you baby"

He kissed me. Kissing back I realised something.

We're gonna be okay. Hailey can't take him away from me.

"So you were about to eat?" He gestured towards Mc Donald's

Giggling, I took he's hand "Yeah"


Awwwwwwww, Mc Donald's!!!!

Haven't had that in a while.....

Anyways....I don't think Selena is jealous of Hailey. It's the other way around.

In my opinion.

In jelena we trust 💖


Word Count: 315

Jelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now