Valentine's Day ✔

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Remember when Justin and Selena were acting all cute in the Montage Hotel last year in Valentine's Day?

Well this is a little one shot about it.

Thank you



So right now I'm waiting for Justin at the motange hotel. Is valentine's Day and he said he has something for me

Every since our reconciliation, we've been taking baby steps.

Meaning only sex once a week. Sometimes we break the rule

"Hey babe" my amazing boyfriend broke me out of my thoughts

"Hey" I hugged him

"Shall we go inside" he gestured to the hotel

I nodded and he followed me behind


"One two three four I declare a thumb war"

Me and Justin were thumb wrestling.

"Oww babe" he laughed

He lifted my hands up and kissed it, running my arm in he's face I told him

"Babe you need to cut your hair" he giggled

Coming closer to me he leaned over the table and kissed me, pulling away I told him to kiss me more, holding he's cheek for balance.

"I love you baby"  he whispered against my lips

"Love you too"

I should leave him but hey, the heart wants what it wants

If you love someone and they come back to you, it was meant to be


I had to watch to video just to right this. They were soooooo cute!

I miss jelena 💖💖

In jelena we trust 💖💖

Word Count: 243


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