Dating Hailey✔

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"Justin!" My Girlfriend, Hailey called me


"I love you" she kissed me

I froze.


First Love.


It all came back to me. I soon realized that I'm here  with the wrong girl.

"Hailey,I'm sorry I have to go!" I ran as fast as I can.

I finally stopped at her house. But she was already cuddled up with Charlie Motherfucking Puth

As I was about to leave, I heard a voice "Justin? What are you doing here?" Selena asked me

"I came for you. I know I'm dating Hailey, but she told me she loves me. I only think of her as a friend" I stated

"I only thought of Charlie as a friend too" I smiled

"Let's start off as friends. Mabye we'll work out our differences" she smiled

I nodded, hugging her.

She felt like home

I was home


Generally, I think Justin does like Hailey. But he doesn't love her.


In jelena we trust 💖💖💖

Word Count: 167

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