Love The Way You Look At Me✔

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Another day, another world with Just me and Selena.

I borrowed Chris brown's camping car, so me and Selena can go camping together.

It was just us, nobody else.

"Babe!" My beautiful girlfriend came up to me

"I love you so so so much" she giggled

I love here laugh, her smile. Everything about her makes me happy.

"I love you too so so so much" I kissed her forehead.

Hugging me, I quickly took a picture of the us and posted it on Instagram

@justinbieber: love the way you look at me @selenagomez

Without thinking, I quickly deleted it. I know my fans have already seen the pictures, but I need to be cautious.

"Love you, need you" she whispered in my ear

"Love you too babe"

" I can't count how many times we said I love you anymore" she got her fingers and was confused.

Laughing I kissed her cheek "Your cute"

She squinted her eyes and shook her head

"I am not cute, I'm sexy"

We both laughed

Oh how much I love this girl


Yeah? This isn't favourite one shot.

I really like that picture.

Anyways..........sorry for not posting. I'm rely busy.

In jelena we trust 💖💖💖


Word Count: 208

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