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Yooooooooo! Guys I'm almost at 1k! I'm so excited its a small amount of readers, but it's my first ever book that I've published for the world to see so it quite exciting for me. I just need a little more readers and I've officially hitten, 1k. Now, I'm not a big account like all these big accounts that you see, but if y'all wanna know how I made a lot of readers I'm just 2 months, y'all can DM me on Instagram.

The reason why I chose to do jelena stories, is because I love Justin and Selena relationship. I love them together and separately. It's a bit far fetched, but I think we all are aspired by Justin and Selena love. Even if it on and off, it hard to find the one, that easily, In such a small amount of time, in such a high industry with people criticizing and abusing you every second of the day. At such a very young age. We don't see love like that in Hollywood, but we saw it from jelena. Although, they aren't together, I believe there's a day they'll be back together. I'm a person that doesn't stop believing. It's better to get your hopes úp, than to not believe. People tell me to grow up and this and that, and my reply is, “Its my life, I can ship jelena if I want to. It's not your business, it's mine!” I'll ship till the day I die, if that bothers you, suck my ass...

Not seriously lol, I'm grateful for all my followers and readers, y'all voting for my chapters. It means a lot to me and it makes me happy. It takes me alot of hard work to make these chapters, mabye about, 5, 6, 7 days? I'm not sure but it takes a while. That's why I need to edit some of my chapters, so if your a newcomer and you are reading my story, If it has a tick, it'd edited, but If it doesn't, it's not edited. I probably made the chapters longer or something like that I'm not too sure.

I wanna say that, I don't "hate" Hailey. It's her attitude and the way she puts out things. Justin and Hailey relationship is non of my business, I don't know why goes on in that house, but I certainly think this is a very unhealthy marriage. It's my opinion and everyone else is entitled to their own opinion, fill free to share it below. She complains that people abuse her marriage, but that's what she's been doing to Justin and Selena relationship for the past decade? She's a hypocrite and I hate hypocritical people. And Justin searched Selena name up, and she takes it out on us, like, it's your problems, not ours.... so it's not that I don't hate her 🙄....... so anyways lol, people say that I'm disrespecting Justin and Selena... but I'm not, me shipping a couple isn't disrespecting anyone. I'm aloud to do whatever I want to do in life so again, suck my ass...lol, but no, you don't have to be supportive of he's MarriAGE to be a belieber, you have to be respectful towards the marriage, I don't have to like Hailey, I don't like her... period. And you shipping jelena, isn't being disrespectful. It's being supportive of the two and liking thier relationship, there's nothing wrong with that. Like, people still ship Abel and Selena relationship for some reason, but it's their life and it's not disrespectful, it's just liking that couple. People seriously take situations too seriously. Like..(lol)

I'm generally not really wanting to be become a author one day, I'd rather be a actress or something like that. But I love, writing stories. In 2016, there was no WiFi, so I wrote an article about Selena Gomez life lol. I also like writing songs. Let me tell yall about me, my name is Arianna, with two N's. I'm a young black British and, I have a dog lol 😂 named guy. Okay, that's boring, so really I wanna say thank you for listening to my gratefulness. If you read this, your a blessing to the world.

Okay, so this is my social media platforms:
1. Instagram; lifeofaria18
2; Snapchat; lifeofaria109
3; Instagram; jelena_ismylife
4. Wattpad; jelenastories2012

So this is all my social networks. Thank you guys again for this, I can't wait to reach 1k views on wattpad. Thank you guys 💖

Bye sisters 🙋

In jelena we trust 💖

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