Advice Part 2✔

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Hailey was shocked.

She was confused.

She wondered all these years why Justin was never happy with her

Ans then it hit her

She was the rebound

He never loved her

He was just lonely and she was willing to fill in the void

But Selena can't be replaced.

But she didn't care, she was gonna be selfish. She was gonna replace Selena

Tapping on her boyfriends shoulder, he turned around and all she saw in he's eyes was hope

Hope, for it to be her.

But when it wasn't, he's eyes changed to sadness.

She knew what she needed to do

"Selena talked to me" he eyes was shocked but not confused  "She told me to take care off you. But after want I saw today, I realised you really love her"

Taking off her ring, she put it into he's hands "So yeah this is me breaking up with you, no hard feelings right?" She joked

Laughing, Justin kissed her cheek and went to find the love of he's life.

"You did the right thing" Kendall whispered in her here

She hoped she did, cause it was very hard to see him go

Selena POV

"I've been looking for you everywhere" Justin said and came to the room

"What?" I aksed confused

"A little birdie told me that you love me, and I wanted to see if it was true"

I giggled slightly while he laughed

"Iove you, I wanna spend my life with you and only you. Just give me one more chance"

Selena looked at him with hope and love

"Okay" she nodded

And everything was alright in the world


Two motherfucking part one shot.

It was really sad writing this.

If Hailey did that the whole America will applauded her

In jelena we trust 💖💖


Word Count: 305

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