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It just turned 2015. I'm excited for the New year. But Selena isn't with me.

We had a sad break up. But she's still my friend.

"Happy New year Justin!" Hailey came up to me.

I was celebrating with her.

Kendall was in Dubai with Selena and Gigi.

"Happy New year Hailey" I hugged her

She noticed I wasn't happy and kisses my cheek "Thanks Hails"

She looked at me and leaned over

Is she gonna kiss me?

Just as I was gonna stop her, we got interrupted by the one and only

Selena Gomez

"Selena!" I ran to her.

I hugged her and spun her around bringing her back down to the floor, we kissed

"Happy New Year babe!"

My life couldn't be more better

"Happy New Year baby" I kissed her nose.

Selena pointed to Hailey, looking sad cause I rejected her kiss

I shook my head "I'll deal with her later, I wanna spend time with you right now" I carried her

"Okay Mr Bieber. Where shall we go?" She said in a British Accent

"Well Miss Gomez, we should go to my bed. Well have alot of adventures there"

She laughed.

Happy New Year



So I really liked my 2012 one, I decided to do a 2015 one.

Happy 2019🙃


In jelena we trust 💖💖

Word Count: 226

Jelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now