It All Comes Down To This✔

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"Shh" 25 year old, Justin Bieber hushed ex girlfriend Selena Gomez.

Yes, Justin is married to Hailey. Yes, he's having an affair with Selena.

"Okay, we have to be quite, Hailey and Kendall slept over" she nodded and put her bag down.

She then came and kissed him "Fuck..." He whispered softly in be ear "I wanna fuck you so hard baby"

Selen shivered under he's touch. It's funny how things went down between the two. They met at a small coffee shop with thier friend's. They instantly clicked. They both agreed on having sex, but with no strings attached. But, sooner or later, they'll in love all over again.

"Justin....." The young Disney star whispered "I want you..." She kissed him deeply.

He then carried her to the couch, laying her down, and sitting on top of her. He then kissed her forehead and removed her top, coming down was her trousers, and then she was in a bra and thong. Taking of he's shirt, Justin, removed he's trousers and was left in he's pants. She looked at him for a second. "Your beautiful..." He whispered in her looking at her eyes.

"Tell me if it hurts okay?" He was still cautious and protective over Selena. He was never that way with Hailey or any other girl. With her it's different. He always felt that with Hailey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion— but he felt like, he was constantly trying to prove to everyone that he's in love with her. He stuck up for her, he said he loves her, but will he show it? No. He never will and never did. He feels damaged and, as the days go by, he regrets the marriage. It's not what he was supposed to be like. But sometimes, you do stuff and you think it's the right person, but when it doesn't feel right, it's the wrong person.

With Selena, he didn't need to prove to anyone he's in love. Why? Cause he already knew he was in love with her, deeply In love. He didn't need to respond to any comments, cause at the end of the day, they were saying it was wrong and they did it out of jelaousy and enviousness. They fell at the wrong time, and they tried to move on, only to come back to eachother. And that's really beautiful.

"Yes"she nodded and he smiled. He took of her bra and she covered up "Baby" he cooed "I've seen all if you, and your beautiful" she blushed at the sudden compliment. He then took if her panties and he's pants.

He didn't need to get a condom. He was already in love by looking at her. He was gonna make her pregnant. Yes, he didn't care what Hailey said.

He slid in her and thursted back and forth "Fuck..." He whispered softly

All this time they were having sex, they were just having sex. But now it's something different. More magical and pure. Something  Her quite moans and he's grunts soon turned louder. Not caring if they woke Hailey and Kendall.

"Faster Justin!" She demanded him in a sexual tone. Doing what he was told, he went much faster. A little bit too fast..

She was holding back from everything, she she gently stopped holding back and thrusted her hips against he's. He lifted her off and back down. She had tears in her eyes. She missed him, but she couldn't have him.

"Yes!" She moaned loudly and threw her head back, which gave him access to her neck.

Turning them over, Selena started to ride him. "Oh yes Selena!" He moaned and slapped her ass. Her boobs bouncing up and down, he lifted he's head up and sucked on it makeing her moan.

They then heard a noise from upstairs "Justin?.." Hailey's voice broke as she climbed the stairs.

Selena kept on riding him, and he kept on fucking her. "How c-could you do this to me?" She asked him, even though she knew the reason why

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