High School✔

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High school, it everyone's worst nightmare.  We have all the cliques.

The Jocks

The Cheerleaders

The Nerds

The Wannabes

And if course,

The Populars.

I'm a cheerleader, by I'm the popular girl in the school. I've got all my friends and family.

What more could i want?

Walking by myself, I picked my books from my locker, but a boy pushed me.

"Woah! Watch where your going freak!" He rolled he's eyes at me.


"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Your Selena Gomez, little miss popular" he mimicked in a baby voice.


"Thanks and all, but I don't like you populars, you don't give a fuck about anyones feelings. All you care is if your popular and known in the school"

I scoffed "That's not true. Just cause Jade is a bitch, and Liam and Kendall are having a affiar, doesn't meen we don't care about each other"

"Really" I nodded "Then when was the last time you called Jade pretty, or the last time you helped Kendall do something. Or even Liam?"

I thought about it for a second, I haven't done anything nice for my friends. Actually, I don't think I ever did.

"I haven't"

He smiled "See you populars act like celebritys, really your normal just like me."

I hadn't actually noticed, but he has really nice eyes. Without thinking, I pulled my hands to he's cheeks and trailed he's skin.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly

"Justin" he pulled my hips closer to him.

My breath hitched. I carefully tiptoed and kissed he's forehead. "I love you" he whispered softly

I didn't think much, so I kissed him. Sparks were flying everywhere. Our lips collided in the same movement.

"Selena?" Jade and Kendall gasped. "She dating the loser" They all laughed

Not having a care in the world, I lifted up my middle finger at them and kissed him deeply.

"I love you too"


Honestly I don't know where this one shot came from. I was thinking about high school so this came up.


In jelena we trust 💖

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